data Concordance_MAP;
input Measure $ DV: $15. IV: $15. CC LCL UCL ;
LA BI_A_MAP BI_LA_MAP 0.5813 0.4376 0.696
LL BI_A_MAP BI_LL_MAP 0.3992 0.1926 0.5719
Nex BI_A_MAP BI_Nex_MAP 0.6511 0.5149 0.7553
UA BI_A_MAP BI_UA_MAP 0.5274 0.356 0.6644
LA i3min_A_MAP i3min_LA_MAP 0.5942 0.4548 0.7051
LL i3min_A_MAP i3min_LL_MAP 0.2979 0.0579 0.5054
Nex i3min_A_MAP i3min_Nex_MAP 0.8376 0.764 0.8897
UA i3min_A_MAP i3min_UA_MAP 0.2369 0.049 0.4086
LA i15min_A_MAP i15min_LA_MAP 0.6234 0.4911 0.7275
LL i15min_A_MAP i15min_LL_MAP 0.5584 0.3475 0.7155
Nex i15min_A_MAP i15min_Nex_MAP 0.6498 0.5169 0.7521
UA i15min_A_MAP i15min_UA_MAP 0.5681 0.4265 0.6825
LA i30min_A_MAP i30min_LA_MAP 0.6298 0.4908 0.7376
LL i30min_A_MAP i30min_LL_MAP 0.5181 0.3028 0.6831
Nex i30min_A_MAP i30min_Nex_MAP 0.6895 0.5624 0.7848
UA i30min_A_MAP i30min_UA_MAP 0.6076 0.4677 0.7178
LA i45min_A_MAP i45min_LA_MAP 0.6877 0.5604 0.7832
LL i45min_A_MAP i45min_LL_MAP 0.4402 0.2084 0.6252
Nex i45min_A_MAP i45min_Nex_MAP 0.7509 0.6422 0.83
UA i45min_A_MAP i45min_UA_MAP 0.5898 0.4348 0.7108
LA p3min_A_MAP p3min_LA_MAP 0.5436 0.3843 0.6714
LL p3min_A_MAP p3min_LL_MAP 0.4575 0.2335 0.6353
Nex p3min_A_MAP p3min_Nex_MAP 0.6559 0.5297 0.7538
UA p3min_A_MAP p3min_UA_MAP 0.424 0.2609 0.5636
/* ods listing style=listing; */
proc template;
define style mystyle;
class graphwalls /
class graphbackground /
ods listing close;
ods html style=mystyle path='.' file='newgraph.html';
ods graphics / reset=all border=off width=600 height=480;
proc sgplot data=Concordance_MAP nowall noborder ;
title 'Concordance coefficient by time';
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(CX016381 CX1BC9FF CXFF7F00 CX814101 ) ;
scatter x=DV y=CC / group=IV yerrorlower=LCL yerrorupper=UCL noerrorcaps markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size =5 )
groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth =0.2;
yaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal) ;
xaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal);
refline 0.75 / axis=y discretethickness=1 lineattrs=(color=cxd0e0f0) LABEL = ('0.75');
I tried entering a keylegend statement before the "run" line, specifying "Measure" as the categorical variable I wanted to be described in the kelegend using the colours : CX016381 CX1BC9FF CXFF7F00 CX814101.
It is not making a difference so don't know whet the error is. Without the keylegend statement I just get a decryption for "IV"
Also I'm getting this error:
If I understand correctly, you are grouping by a variable you don't want in your legend but want the values of another variable. Here's a quick trick to do this:
ods graphics / reset=all border=off width=600 height=480;
proc sgplot data=Concordance_MAP nowall noborder ;
title 'Concordance coefficient by time';
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(CX016381 CX1BC9FF CXFF7F00 CX814101 ) ;
scatter x=DV y=CC / group=IV yerrorlower=LCL yerrorupper=UCL noerrorcaps markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size =5 )
groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth =0.2;
scatter x=dv y=cc / group=measure markerattrs=(size=0pt) name='scatter';
keylegend 'scatter' / position=bottom location=outside autoitemsize title='Measures';
yaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal) ;
xaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal);
refline 0.75 / axis=y discretethickness=1 lineattrs=(color=cxd0e0f0) LABEL = ('0.75');
I add a scatter plot to your graph that groups by measure, I name it "scatter," and I enter only that scatter plot into the keylegend. It keeps the values of measure that you can then show in the legend. The new scatter plot has a size of 0pt so it won't show up in the graph.
Ok so I was able to get a keylegend by specifying "Measures" instead of "IV":
But I can't control the appearance or location of this keylegend with a keylegend statement.
proc sgplot data=Concordance_MAP_lab nowall noborder ;
title 'Concordance coefficient by time';
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(CX016381 CX1BC9FF CXFF7F00 CX814101 ) ;
scatter x=DV y=CC / group=Measure yerrorlower=LCL yerrorupper=UCL noerrorcaps markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size =5 )
groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth =0.2;
yaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal) ;
xaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal);
refline 0.75 / axis=y discretethickness=1 lineattrs=(color=cxd0e0f0) LABEL = ('0.75');
/* keylegend "Measure"/location=outside; */
Hello, Try adding a name="something" option to your scatter statement and then put that name reference into your keylegend. When you type something in the keylegend statement it has to match a reference from a NAME option in the graph statements. When you specify a text that doesn't exist in a name reference then it doesn't have a legend to plot.
scatter x=DV y=CC / group=Measure yerrorlower=LCL yerrorupper=UCL noerrorcaps markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size =5 )
groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth =0.2 Name="scatter";
keylegend "scatter" / ...;
Thank you Jeff!
Worked perfectly and I was able to position it where I needed.
If I understand correctly, you are grouping by a variable you don't want in your legend but want the values of another variable. Here's a quick trick to do this:
ods graphics / reset=all border=off width=600 height=480;
proc sgplot data=Concordance_MAP nowall noborder ;
title 'Concordance coefficient by time';
styleattrs datacontrastcolors=(CX016381 CX1BC9FF CXFF7F00 CX814101 ) ;
scatter x=DV y=CC / group=IV yerrorlower=LCL yerrorupper=UCL noerrorcaps markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size =5 )
groupdisplay=cluster clusterwidth =0.2;
scatter x=dv y=cc / group=measure markerattrs=(size=0pt) name='scatter';
keylegend 'scatter' / position=bottom location=outside autoitemsize title='Measures';
yaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal) ;
xaxis display =(noticks nolabel noline) VALUEATTRS=(Color=Black Family=Arial Size=8 Style=Normal Weight=Normal);
refline 0.75 / axis=y discretethickness=1 lineattrs=(color=cxd0e0f0) LABEL = ('0.75');
I add a scatter plot to your graph that groups by measure, I name it "scatter," and I enter only that scatter plot into the keylegend. It keeps the values of measure that you can then show in the legend. The new scatter plot has a size of 0pt so it won't show up in the graph.
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