Hello all!
I must certainly say that I like the new discussion forum capabilities!
At any rate, here goes my questions-
The chart to the left is produced by Excel. The one on the right is produced by SAS.
Question 1) The Excel graph It has a 2 tone schematic that gives some "depth". I am attempting to mimick that in the graph to the right.
Question 2) How I can incorporate a line graph that would be similar to the the one below that puts the numbers in red in a big yellow bubble.
The code is below. Fairly simple. I took it from one of the SAS websites. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. This is what management wants so I must oblige.
Titles, legends, and ref lines are no problem for me.
goptions reset=all cback=white border htitle=12pt htext=10pt;
/* Define the title */
title1 " Compliance";
/* Define the axis characteristics */
axis1 value=none label=none;
axis2 label=(angle=90 "Compliance");
axis3 label=none;
/* Define the legend options */
legend1 frame;
/* Generate the graph */
proc gchart data=L14;
vbar ROLE/ subgroup=ROLE group=fixdate sumvar=comply
legend=legend1 space=0 gspace=1
maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 gaxis=axis3;
Thank you.
If you want to look into GTL, you can get most of what you want.
If you have SAS 9.3, you can do this as a Grouped Bar chart and Line overlay using PROC SGPLOT.
and use skins to get the 3D effect.
With SAS 9.2 (TS2M3) you can get this:
You have to set up your data as multiple columns (like Excel). Then overlay the bars and line as you need:
data BarLineMulti; format p 2.0; do Date='Jan 11', 'Feb 11', 'Mar 11', 'Apr 11', 'May 11', 'Jun 11', 'Jul 11', 'Aug 11', 'Sep 11', 'Oct 11', 'NOv 11', 'Dec 11'; A=5*ranuni(2); B=5*ranuni(2); C=5*ranuni(2); D=5*ranuni(2); P=5*ranuni(2); output; end; run; proc print;run; proc template; define statgraph BarLineMulti; begingraph; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(display=(line ticks tickvalues))
yaxisopts=(label='Compliance') cycleattrs=true; barchart x=date y=a / discreteoffset=-0.3 barwidth=0.2 name='a'; barchart x=date y=b / discreteoffset=-0.1 barwidth=0.2 name='b'; barchart x=date y=c / discreteoffset= 0.1 barwidth=0.2 name='c'; barchart x=date y=d / discreteoffset= 0.3 barwidth=0.2 name='d'; seriesplot x=date y=p / lineattrs=graphdatadefault(thickness=3); scatterplot x=date y=p / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=20 color=black); scatterplot x=date y=p / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=18 color=white); scatterplot x=date y=p / markercharacter=p markercharacterattrs=(color=black); discretelegend 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; ods listing; ods graphics / reset width=6in height=3in imagename='Bar Line Multi'; proc sgrender data=BarLineMulti template=BarLineMulti; run;
I do not recommend using 3d bar charts ...
But SAS/Graph gchart vbar does have some 3d-ish capabilities, and you can annotate a line onto the bar chart, as shown in this example:
With a grouped bar chart, it's a little more complex to do the annotation, because you have to also set a 'group' variable in your annotate data set (in addition to the 'midpoint' and 'y' variables).
If you can settle for simpler bar/line charts, check into "proc gbarline".
Thanks Robert.
I was wondering about that as I ran into some issues on missing "groups".
I get:
I wish I could do simple...that does not happen here as you can proably understand.
I find another example that I could set the size of the text. IS there also a way to insert a value?
Thanks for your help thus far. It helps.
OK so I am stuck as I get errors including the anno statement as I am attempting to "group".
Some of the data looks accordingly:
ROLE | fixdate | comply | compliance |
01) RN | Sep-10 | 0.592 | 0.493007 |
02) MD/NP/PA (Provider) | Sep-10 | 0.691176 | 0.493007 |
OTHERS | Sep-10 | 0.215054 | 0.493007 |
01) RN | Oct-10 | 0.724638 | 0.567901 |
02) MD/NP/PA (Provider) | Oct-10 | 0.465517 | 0.567901 |
03) Respiratory Therapist (RT) | Oct-10 | 1 | 0.567901 |
OTHERS | Oct-10 | 0.411765 | 0.567901 |
01) RN | Nov-10 | 0.611765 | 0.568182 |
02) MD/NP/PA (Provider) | Nov-10 | 0.555556 | 0.568182 |
OTHERS | Nov-10 | 0.509091 | 0.568182 |
Where the compliance value is the overall value for the month (fixdate).
The anno statement is:
data anno;
length function color $ 8 text $ 10;
retain xsys ysys '2' when 'a';
set totals2 end=last;
by fixdate;
if _n_ = 1 then function='move';
else function='draw';
xsys='2'; ysys='2';
x=fixdate; y=compliance; size=2;color='yellow';
xsys='2'; ysys='2';
x=fixdate; y=compliance;
text='dot'; size=8; color='yellow';
So I am attempting to group by using a BY statement per what I am reading online.
Then I go back to the proc gchart statement:
/* Generate the graph */
proc gchart data=total3;
vbar ROLE/ subgroup=ROLE group=fixdate anno=anno sumvar=comply
legend=legend1 space=0 gspace=1
maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 gaxis=axis3;
Where I run into a problem. I will attempt to reverse engineer the examples.
Thanks again.
If you want to look into GTL, you can get most of what you want.
If you have SAS 9.3, you can do this as a Grouped Bar chart and Line overlay using PROC SGPLOT.
and use skins to get the 3D effect.
With SAS 9.2 (TS2M3) you can get this:
You have to set up your data as multiple columns (like Excel). Then overlay the bars and line as you need:
data BarLineMulti; format p 2.0; do Date='Jan 11', 'Feb 11', 'Mar 11', 'Apr 11', 'May 11', 'Jun 11', 'Jul 11', 'Aug 11', 'Sep 11', 'Oct 11', 'NOv 11', 'Dec 11'; A=5*ranuni(2); B=5*ranuni(2); C=5*ranuni(2); D=5*ranuni(2); P=5*ranuni(2); output; end; run; proc print;run; proc template; define statgraph BarLineMulti; begingraph; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(display=(line ticks tickvalues))
yaxisopts=(label='Compliance') cycleattrs=true; barchart x=date y=a / discreteoffset=-0.3 barwidth=0.2 name='a'; barchart x=date y=b / discreteoffset=-0.1 barwidth=0.2 name='b'; barchart x=date y=c / discreteoffset= 0.1 barwidth=0.2 name='c'; barchart x=date y=d / discreteoffset= 0.3 barwidth=0.2 name='d'; seriesplot x=date y=p / lineattrs=graphdatadefault(thickness=3); scatterplot x=date y=p / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=20 color=black); scatterplot x=date y=p / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=18 color=white); scatterplot x=date y=p / markercharacter=p markercharacterattrs=(color=black); discretelegend 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; ods listing; ods graphics / reset width=6in height=3in imagename='Bar Line Multi'; proc sgrender data=BarLineMulti template=BarLineMulti; run;
With a gchart vbar, rather than an y= and a x= value (as your code has), annotate needs a y= and a midpoint= (and since you are using a grouped bar chart, it would also need a group=). Since Sanjay has provided some complete code of an alternate way how to do this with sgplot, I'd recommend using that (but as Sanjay says, you'll need the recently-released SAS 9.3)
I went back through all my examples, and found that I do have 1 old (and admittedly ugly) example that shows a grouped bar with annotated line, if that might help:
The code I proveded is for SAS 9.2 (TS2M3).
Rob & Sanjay-
Thank you both for your very helpful answers! Different approaches that help immensely for different purposes.
I will go back Rob and take a look at the last example.
OK I have made a lot of progress as you can see below from the code that you gave me.
There are two finishing touches that I am trying to make but I cannot find the answers anywhere online.
1) I am attempting to shift the order of the Occupational titles so that RN's come first. However, no matter if I switch the order in the data set or set the RN's first in the proc template statement does the order change.
2) AS you see below I managed to make red circles around the yellow by adding a second scatterplot code accordingly.
scatterplot x=date y=P /skin=modern markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=30 color=yellow) name="Overall" legendlabel="Overall";
scatterplot x=date y=P /skin=modern markerattrs=(symbol=circle size=31 color=red) ;
However, I can't mimic it in the legend. I attempted to use endcolor but that does not work.
Full code follows below-Any advice greatly appreciated.
proc template;
define statgraph BarLineMulti;
entrytitle halign=left TEXTATTRS=(color=blue size=16pt) "14L" ;
layout overlay / xaxisopts=(display=(line ticks tickvalues )) cycleattrs=true yaxisopts=(LABEL=('COMPLIANCE RATE') griddisplay=on linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=0 end=1 increment=.1))) ;
barchart x=date y=RNG / skin=modern FILLATTRS =(color=STPK) discreteoffset=-0.1 barwidth=0.2 name="RN" legendlabel="RN";
barchart x=date y=MDG /skin=modern FILLATTRS =(color=LIPGR) discreteoffset=-0.3 barwidth=0.2 NAME="MD/NP/PA (Provider)" legendlabel="MD/NP/PA (Provider)";
barchart x=date y=RTG /skin=modern FILLATTRS =(color=BIBG) discreteoffset= 0.1 barwidth=0.2 name="RT" legendlabel="RT";
barchart x=date y=OTHERS /skin=modern FILLATTRS =(color=BIO) discreteoffset= 0.3 barwidth=0.2 name='OTHERS';
seriesplot x=date y=p / lineattrs=graphdatadefault(thickness=3 color=red) ;
ReferenceLine y=.85 / clip=true Lineattrs=( Pattern=solid thickness=4 color=blue) name="IAP GOAL 85%" legendlabel="IAP GOAL 85%";
scatterplot x=date y=P /skin=modern markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=30 color=yellow endcolor=red) name="Overall" legendlabel="Overall";
*scatterplot x=date y=P /skin=modern markerattrs=(symbol=circle size=31 color=red) ;
scatterplot x=date y=P / markercharacter=p discreteoffset= -0.1 markercharacterattrs=(color=red weight=bold);
discretelegend "MD/NP/PA (Provider)" "RN" "RT" 'OTHERS' "Overall" "IAP GOAL 85%" / title="Occupational Titles:"
location=outside halign=right valign=bottom;
I don't have access to my computer, but I can answer some of your questions.
If you still need it, I will send code in the morning.
Thanks for the guidance. No code is needed.
Have a great Tuesday!
Of course a simpler solution is to move that NAME and LEGENDLABEL to the SERIESPLOT (with the red line) and include it in the legend. 🙂
That is what I ended up doing. Of course I found something called legend item that could be an image perhaps?
The number of options is both a blessing and a curse!
Legend Item is a SAS 9.3 feature. Images for legend items are planned (future). But, I thought you were using SAS 9.2.
If you are using SAS 9.3, you have more options. You can use PROC SGPLOT to do the same graph. You can use grouped data with GROUPDISPLAY=CLUSTER. The SGPLOT procedure is designed to hide the GTL complexity from where not needed.
With SAS 9.2 you have to use GTL with mulit column data to get this result.
I am using 9.2 ver 3 and for now I will keep as is!
Thanks again for all your help!
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