Hi All,
I want to output a rtf file with multiple figures, but I just know how to stack multiple graphs vertically on the same page, is that possible to have 2 columns in one page in rtf? I use layout, but the log shows layout is not supported in RTF destination. Below is my code:
options nodate nonumber;
ods _all_ close;
ods rtf file = 'figures.rtf' startpage = no image_dpi = 300;
ods layout gridded columns = 2;
ods graphics / reset = all outputfmt = png height = 3in width = 4in;
proc univariate data=combine_1;
var var_1;
class Group;
histogram var_1 / midpoints = (0 to 100 by 5)
nrow = 3 odstitle = "VAR"
normal (color = red) kernel
cfill = ltgray ctext = blue
vscale = percent;
inset N = 'N' MEDIAN (8.2) MEAN (8.2) STD = 'Standard Deviation'(8.3) / position = ne;
ods select histogram;
title 'var_1';
proc boxplot data = combine_1;
plot var_1*group /
label var_1 = 'VAR';
*inset min max / pos = topoff;
insetgroup min (5.2) max (5.2) mean (5.2) stddev (5.2) / header = 'Stats by VAR';
ods _all_ close;
ods preferences;