I'm using SGPANEL to create a graph. I'm using ODS to output into a PDF file. And I'm working in SAS EG.
The problem I'm running into is the variable labels for the panels are being cut off. I want to wrap the labels to the next line. I have tried various combinations of attribute options and split options on different statement lines, but nothing is working.
Here is the original code -
proc sgpanel data=here;
panelBy Var / columns=4 novarname;
vbarparm category=Treat_num response=Mean / limitlower=LCLM limitupper=UCLM;
format Treat_num Treat_numfmt.;
The variable VAR has values like
This is a label
This is a really really long label
This label fits
This really really long label gets cut off and does not wrap
How can I the information for the variable VAR to wrap, when necessary, for each of the columns when they are output?