Hi, I tried to run the following code but was unable to get any graphics for the regression procedure.
Here's what the log looks like:
8 proc reg data=CEH;
NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: sashtml.htm
9 model DT_KCAL= DESR_GROUP / r influence;
10 output out= KCAL p=yhat_i r=e_i H=h_ii student=r_i rstudent=r_i_ext DFFITS=dffits_i cookd=D_i
10 ! ;
11 run;
ERROR: Unable to attach current thread.
ERROR: Unable to load the Java Virtual Machine. Please see the installation instructions or
system administrator.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.KCAL may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0
observations and 0 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE REG used (Total process time):
real time 6.94 seconds
cpu time 1.54 seconds
12 quit;
I also tried to check the JRE version as suggested in the previous threads, tried to tap on the ODS graphic editor after which the SAS system closes but to no avail. What should I do in order to view the graphs?
Ps- I have used the graphs and this procedure before. And then I had to renew the SAS license. It seems like the problem is recent. In case, it important, I also updated my Windows 10.
Just guessing, but I'm thinking the Windows 10 update might have been the trigger. You didn't mention the SAS version, but that will be important too, since where SAS finds the JRE is different for different versions.
You might need to get help from SAS Technical Support. You will need to provide PROC OPTIONS output (especially the JRE options) and output from PROC JAVAINFO (which I expect will fail).
This looks like an unusual configuration, as all of the Java items (and maybe more) are installed under your DESKTOP space and not the usual Program Files.
SAS is looking for the private JRE here:
Does that file/folder exist? Check the content of C:\Users\ARUSHI~1\Desktop\SASPRI~1\9.4\jre\bin and make sure it has the full Java runtime in it -- should be about 80 items including java.exe.
We'll be able to do only limited diagnostics here on the forum -- SAS Tech Support is the best approach to getting this resolved quickly.
From what I can tell at this point, I think you are running into a known issue where a particular Windows 10 update breaks the connection between SAS and Java. This issue is documented in the following SAS usage note:
Even though this is strictly a Windows issue, SAS R&D did manage to put a SAS fix into place beginning with SAS 9.4 TS1M5. But a SAS hot fix for this issue is also available for SAS 9.4 TS1M3 and SAS 9.4 TS1M4. You can download the appropriate hot fix via the SAS note mentioned above.
Martin Mincey
SAS Technical Support
I tried to install and update and re run the syntax but it's still not working. I suppose, I'll have to contact SAS tech support. Thank you, though.
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