i created a Panelgraph--Macro and have some problems with my legend.
If i do the graphs scatter and Reg alone everything works fine: with the scatter-Graph i get a symbol-legend for my wildtype-subgroups. The Reg-Graph gives me the legend for the Regression-Lines for my wildtype-subgroups. If i do both like below in my syntax i get a legend with symbols and lines not just for my two wildtype-subgroups, but also for a third group (i think missing values?), also if i dont have any missing values.
Do you have any idea what i can do for having symbols and lines in my legend and that just for my wildtype-Subgroups?
%Macro Panelgraf(Vari=, name=);
proc sgpanel data=final;
panelby genotype sex /layout=lattice novarname;
Scatter x=age y=&Vari /Group=wildtype name='scatter' ;
Reg x=age y=&Vari / Group=wildtype name='Reg' Degree=1 nomarkers;
keylegend 'scatter' 'Reg';
%Mend Panelgraf;
thank you in advance (i use SAS 9.2. Phase 1).