When you use the ODS MSOFFICE2K tagset template to create output, you are creating an HTML file that Microsoft Office knows how to open and render. The ACTIVEX and ACTXIMG (or JAVA and JAVAXIMG) devices (what is specified in the GOPTIONS DEVICE= option) work within HTML in a special way when the ACCESSIBLE GOPTION is also used.
With the ACCESSIBLE GOPTION turned on, a TABLE is put underneath the graph that provides the datapoints for screen reading software to read for the visually impaired person who is accessing a particular graphical report. Usually, the table is hidden on an HTML page until the screen reading software detects the table and reads it. However, it sounds like Excel does not render the output in the same way that the browser renders the output.
So, you need to remove the ACCESSIBLE graphic option from your code. Or, if you are using SAS Enterprise Guide, you might find reference to the
%GACCESSIBLE; macro call (which issues the appropriate GOPTIONS statement). You would want to remove this statement, too.