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I want all these plots to be saved side-by-side in a PNG file. When I run my code, I get 4 individual PNG files saved for each phase.
%macro plot1(i=, T=, T7=);
proc sgplot data= &dsn. noautolegend;
where usubjid= "&id." and paramcd = "¶m." and aphase = "&i".;
series x= phady y= chg;
scatter x= phady y= chg;
datacontrastcolors= (red blue orange green)
datalinepatterns= (solid);
%if &T = NA %then %do;
xaxis min= 1 max= 25 values= (1 6 8) valuesdisplay= ("1" "6" "8") label= "Actual CHMI Day";
yaxis min= 0 max= 50 values= (-1 to 2.5 by 0.5) label= "Antibody Reactivity (Baseline-adjusted OD^{unicode '2082'x}410)";
%else %do;
xaxis min= 1 max= 25 values= (1 6 8 &T. &T7.) valuesdisplay= ("1" "6" "8" "T" "T+7") label= "Actual CHMI Day";
yaxis min= -1 max= 50 values= (-1 to 2.5 by 0.5) label= "Antibody Reactivity (Baseline-adjusted OD410)";
%macro panel(dsn, id, chmi1, chmi17, chmi2, chmi27, chmi3, chmi37, chmi4, chmi47);
ods graphics / reset= index width= 9in height= 7in border= no
imagename= "Fig_immuno_ind_&trt._&id." imagefmt= png;
ods layout gridded columns= 4 advance= table;
title1 "Subject &id."; **try ODS Graphics tool**;
%plot1(i= CHMI1, T= &chmi1., T7= &chmi17.);
%plot1(i= CHMI2, T= &chmi2., T7= &chmi27.);
%plot1(i= CHMI3, T= &chmi3., T7= &chmi37.);
%plot1(i= CHMI4, T= &chmi4., T7= &chmi47.);
ods layout end;
%let param= IgG; %let trt= IgG
Mock Data:
data have;
input usubjid $ phase $ stdy paramcd $ chg trtdy1 trtdy2 @@;
A CHMI1 1 IgG -0.794 . .
A CHMI1 2 IgG -0.854 . .
A CHMI1 3 IgG -0.822 . .
A CHMI1 4 IgG -0.724 . .
A CHMI1 5 IgG -0.765 . .
A CHMI1 6 IgG -0.721 . .
A CHMI1 7 IgG -0.605 . .
A CHMI1 8 IgG -0.557 . .
A CHMI1 9 IgG -0.421 . .
A CHMI2 1 IgG 0.489 . .
A CHMI2 2 IgG 0.211 . .
A CHMI2 3 IgG 0.089 . .
A CHMI2 4 IgG -0.121 4 11
A CHMI2 5 IgG -0.150 4 11
A CHMI2 6 IgG -0.268 4 11
A CHMI2 7 IgG -0.279 4 11
A CHMI2 8 IgG -0.226 4 11
A CHMI2 9 IgG -0.112 4 11
A CHMI2 10 IgG -0.025 4 11
A CHMI2 11 IgG -0.079 4 11
A CHMI3 1 IgG -0.014 9 .
A CHMI3 2 IgG -0.028 9 .
A CHMI3 3 IgG -0.112 9 .
A CHMI3 4 IgG -0.186 9 .
A CHMI3 5 IgG -0.101 9 .
A CHMI3 6 IgG -0.026 9 .
A CHMI3 7 IgG 0.082 9 .
A CHMI3 8 IgG 0.052 9 .
A CHMI3 9 IgG 0.106 9 .
A CHMI3 10 IgG 0.044 9 .
A CHMI3 11 IgG -0.025 9 .
A CHMI3 12 IgG -0.111 9 .
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Instead of using ODS HTML, use ODS PRINTER with a printer of PNG. Here is a simple example:
%macro plot;
ods region;
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
vbar age;
ods graphics / width=350px;
ods _all_ close;
ods printer printer=png;
ods layout gridded;
ods layout start columns=2;
ods layout end;
ods printer close;
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How about providing definitions for the macro variables that you are using but not explaining.
Also your HAVE data does not contain one of the variable used in the plot: PHADY.
Proc SGpanel is intended to place multiple graphs into a single panel, side-by-side or above each other. So might want to consider the procedure used. Panelby variable(s) controls what makes groups of plots.
Since you really aren't providing a lot of options in your SCATTER perhaps you only need Series with the MARKERS option.
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Annotations to macro added. PHADY changed to STDY.
* Plot for Individual CHMI Treatment;
%macro plot1(i=, /*CHMI treatment number*/
T=, /*treatment day*/
T7= /*7 days post treatment*/
proc sgplot data= &dsn. noautolegend;
where usubjid= "&id." and paramcd = "¶m." and aphasen = "&i.";
series x= stdy y= chg;
scatter x= stdt y= chg;
datacontrastcolors= (red blue orange green)
datalinepatterns= (solid);
%if &T = NA %then %do;
xaxis min= 1 max= 25 values= (1 6 8) valuesdisplay= ("1" "6" "8") label= "Actual CHMI Day";
yaxis min= 0 max= 50 values= (-1 to 2.5 by 0.5) label= "Antibody Reactivity (Baseline-adjusted OD^{unicode '2082'x}410)";
%else %do;
xaxis min= 1 max= 25 values= (1 6 8 &T. &T7.) valuesdisplay= ("1" "6" "8" "T" "T+7") label= "Actual CHMI Day";
yaxis min= -1 max= 50 values= (-1 to 2.5 by 0.5) label= "Antibody Reactivity (Baseline-adjusted OD410)";
* Plots Side-by-Side for Individual Subjects;
%macro panel(dsn, /*input dataset*/
id, /*subject ID*/
chmi1, chmi17, /*CHMI 1 treatment day and 7 days post treatment*/
chmi2, chmi27, /*CHMI 2 treatment day and 7 days post treatment*/
chmi3, chmi37, /*CHMI 3 treatment day and 7 days post treatment*/
chmi4, chmi47 /*CHMI 4 treatment day and 7 days post treatment*/
ods graphics / reset= index width= 9in height= 7in border= no
imagename= "Fig_immuno_ind_&trt._&id." imagefmt= png;
ods layout gridded columns= 4 advance= table;
title1 "Subject &id.";
%plot1(i= CHMI1, T= &chmi1., T7= &chmi17.);
%plot1(i= CHMI2, T= &chmi2., T7= &chmi27.);
%plot1(i= CHMI3, T= &chmi3., T7= &chmi37.);
%plot1(i= CHMI4, T= &chmi4., T7= &chmi47.);
ods layout end;
%let param= IgG; %let trt= IgG;
%panel(have, A, NA, NA, 4, 11, 9, NA, NA, NA);
/*Note: subject A only has treatment day available for CHMI 2 and CHMI 3 based on HAVE.TRTDY1*/
SGPANEL isn't used since treatment day varies by CHMI. Implementation notes specify non-uniform spacing between CHMI days with treatment day labelled as 'T' and 7-days post treatment labelled as 'T+7'.
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*STDT should be STDY
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If the 4 graphs can share the same axes, I recommend Proc SGpanel.
If you want the 4 graphs to be independent, I recommend Proc GReplay, with 4 Proc GPlot's.
Here's an example of Greplay:
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Instead of using ODS HTML, use ODS PRINTER with a printer of PNG. Here is a simple example:
%macro plot;
ods region;
proc sgplot data=sashelp.class;
vbar age;
ods graphics / width=350px;
ods _all_ close;
ods printer printer=png;
ods layout gridded;
ods layout start columns=2;
ods layout end;
ods printer close;
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data have; input usubjid $ phase $ stdy paramcd $ chg trtdy1 trtdy2 @@; cards; A CHMI1 1 IgG -0.794 . . A CHMI1 2 IgG -0.854 . . A CHMI1 3 IgG -0.822 . . A CHMI1 4 IgG -0.724 . . A CHMI1 5 IgG -0.765 . . A CHMI1 6 IgG -0.721 . . A CHMI1 7 IgG -0.605 . . A CHMI1 8 IgG -0.557 . . A CHMI1 9 IgG -0.421 . . A CHMI2 1 IgG 0.489 . . A CHMI2 2 IgG 0.211 . . A CHMI2 3 IgG 0.089 . . A CHMI2 4 IgG -0.121 4 11 A CHMI2 5 IgG -0.150 4 11 A CHMI2 6 IgG -0.268 4 11 A CHMI2 7 IgG -0.279 4 11 A CHMI2 8 IgG -0.226 4 11 A CHMI2 9 IgG -0.112 4 11 A CHMI2 10 IgG -0.025 4 11 A CHMI2 11 IgG -0.079 4 11 A CHMI3 1 IgG -0.014 9 . A CHMI3 2 IgG -0.028 9 . A CHMI3 3 IgG -0.112 9 . A CHMI3 4 IgG -0.186 9 . A CHMI3 5 IgG -0.101 9 . A CHMI3 6 IgG -0.026 9 . A CHMI3 7 IgG 0.082 9 . A CHMI3 8 IgG 0.052 9 . A CHMI3 9 IgG 0.106 9 . A CHMI3 10 IgG 0.044 9 . A CHMI3 11 IgG -0.025 9 . A CHMI3 12 IgG -0.111 9 . ; run; data want; merge have(keep=phase stdy chg where=(phase='CHMI1')) have(keep=phase stdy chg where=(phase2='CHMI2') rename=(phase=phase2 chg=ch2)) have(keep=phase stdy chg where=(phase3='CHMI3') rename=(phase=phase3 chg=ch3)) ; by stdy; run; proc sgscatter data=want; plot chg*stdy ch2*stdy ch3*stdy/join; run;