I am using PROC SGPLOT with a custom style (by GTL) to create a graph. I'm getting the following errors.
ERROR: An exception has been encountered.
Please contact technical support and provide them with the following traceback information:
The SAS task name is [Submit]
ERROR: Read Access Violation Submit
Exception occurred at (0F9306C0)
Task Traceback
ERROR: Generic critical error.
After doing some google I got this page from SAS.
So I went on to add FROM option to all my style elements in PROC TEMPLATE. But I'm still getting the same error. Any help will be highly appreciated.
P.S Using version 9.4
proc template ;
define style DANPDF ; /*template name*/
parent=styles.printer ;
style fonts from fonts /
'TitleFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'TitleFont2' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'headingFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'docFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'footFont' = ("Courier new",9pt) ;
style GraphFonts from GraphFonts /
'GraphAnnoFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'GraphTitle1Font' = ("Courier new",9pt,bold)
'GraphTitleFont' = ("Courier new",9pt,bold)
'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("Courier new",9pt)
'GraphLabelFont' = ("Courier new",9pt) ;
style GraphDataDefault from GraphDataDefault /
endcolor = CX000000
neutralcolor = CX000000
startcolor = CX000000
markersymbol = "circle"
linethickness = 1
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = CornflowerBlue
color = CornflowerBlue;
style GraphData1 from GraphData1 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = CornflowerBlue
color = CornflowerBlue;
style GraphData2 from GraphData2 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = DarkOrange
color = DarkOrange;
style GraphData3 from GraphData3 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = DarkGray
color = DarkGray;
style GraphData4 from GraphData4 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Gold
color = Gold;
style GraphData5 from GraphData5 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Crimson
color = Crimson;
style GraphData6 from GraphData6 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = LimeGreen
color = LimeGreen;
style GraphData7 from GraphData7 /
markersymbol = "circle"
linestyle = 1
contrastcolor = Blue
color = Blue;
Style table from output /
Style HeadersAndFooters from Cell /
background = _undef_
font = Fonts('TitleFont') ;
Style SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters /
font = Fonts('footFont')
just = LEFT ;
Style Body from Document /
bottommargin = 1.40cm
topmargin = 2.1cm
rightmargin = 1.7cm
leftmargin = 1.7cm;
end ;
run ;
On the ODS GRAPHICS statement in your %GRSTART_PDF() macro, try removing the IMAGEFMT=PNG and see if the crash goes away. This will produce vector-based graphics in your PDF file instead of image-based. Vector-based is usually preferable, and the PDF file is usually smaller as well. Give it a try and let me know if the crash goes away.
Can you post your log?
Hi Dan,
Here is the relevant part of the log at the very end of the code. The detail log is attached.
ERROR: An exception has been encountered.
Please contact technical support and provide them with the following traceback information:
The SAS task name is [Submit]
ERROR: Read Access Violation Submit
Exception occurred at (28ED06C0)
Task Traceback
Address Frame (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)
0000000028ED06C0 000000000E2BA0E0 saspdpdf:tkvercn1+0xCF680
0000000028EC1740 000000000E2BA160 saspdpdf:tkvercn1+0xC0700
0000000028E17F49 000000000E2BA530 saspdpdf:tkvercn1+0x16F09
000000002A0BEF8F 000000000E2BA538 saszimg:tkvercn1+0xDF4F
000000002A0BB1C0 000000000E2BAE00 saszimg:tkvercn1+0xA180
000000002A0B1DD1 000000000E2BAE40 saszimg:tkvercn1+0xD91
000000000BCEBB5E 000000000E2BAE48 saspso:tkvercn1+0x5AB1E
000000000BCEE038 000000000E2BB330 saspso:tkvercn1+0x5CFF8
000000000BCB93C2 000000000E2BB7B0 saspso:tkvercn1+0x28382
000000000BCF6D7A 000000000E2BB7F0 saspso:tkvercn1+0x65D3A
000000000BC91846 000000000E2BB860 saspso:tkvercn1+0x806
0000000005ED755A 000000000E2BB868 sasods:tkvercn1+0x22651A
0000000005D87D52 000000000E2BCEC0 sasods:tkvercn1+0xD6D12
0000000007DCF95A 000000000E2BCEC8 sasodst:tkvercn1+0xE91A
0000000007DCEC92 000000000E2BE570 sasodst:tkvercn1+0xDC52
0000000005ED755A 000000000E2BE5B0 sasods:tkvercn1+0x22651A
0000000005DCF9D3 000000000E2BE6B0 sasods:tkvercn1+0x11E993
0000000004A3E7C3 000000000E2BE6B8 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x4D783
0000000005DD00A3 000000000E2BF270 sasods:tkvercn1+0x11F063
0000000007DC11D8 000000000E2BF310 sasodst:tkvercn1+0x198
00000000053B615A 000000000E2BF318 sasxany:tkvercn1+0x511A
00000000053B21E6 000000000E2BF410 sasxany:tkvercn1+0x11A6
00000000049F28D1 000000000E2BF540 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x1891
00000000049F19F5 000000000E2BF5D0 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x9B5
0000000004A1C2B2 000000000E2BF750 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x2B272
0000000004A4832E 000000000E2BFAA0 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x572EE
0000000004A4BD14 000000000E2BFB90 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x5ACD4
0000000004A4E99C 000000000E2BFBE0 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x5D95C
000000000322A066 000000000E2BFBE8 sashost:Main+0x11BA6
000000000323011D 000000000E2BFF50 sashost:Main+0x17C5D
00007FFED75D13D2 000000000E2BFF58 KERNEL32:BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00007FFED7DA54F4 000000000E2BFF88 ntdll:RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
MPRINT(GRSTOP_PDF): ods pdf close;
ERROR: Generic critical error.
On the ODS GRAPHICS statement in your %GRSTART_PDF() macro, try removing the IMAGEFMT=PNG and see if the crash goes away. This will produce vector-based graphics in your PDF file instead of image-based. Vector-based is usually preferable, and the PDF file is usually smaller as well. Give it a try and let me know if the crash goes away.
Many thanks Dan. It worked by removing IMAGEFMT=PNG. Didn't know about vector based graphics.
As for the traceback, it would be good to open up a track with SAS Technical Support so we can follow up on that issue.
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