I must have some kind of option turned on that I am not seeing, but when I run the macro shown below, the output is produced in the HTML results viewer as well as in the stored .RTF file that I specify. Attached are the two outputs (I couldn't attach the RTF, so the same is in PDF). I want the HTML look in the RTF file. Is there a reason why the HTML shows colored bars while the RTF shows B&W line patterns?
%macro waterfall(dsin=, whr=%str(), yvar=, byvar=, title=%str(), ylab=%str(), outpath=%str(), filename=%str(), barwidth=3);
/* Display error message if WATERFALL dataset is attempting to be overwritten */
%if %sysfunc(upcase(&dsin.))=WATERFALL %then %do;
%put ERROR: The dataset WATERFALL is used in the waterfall macro. Please rename your input dataset and rerun the macro;
/* Get variable type and format of BYVAR */
proc sql noprint;
select type, format into :vartyp, :varfmt from sashelp.vcolumn
where upcase(memname)=upcase("&dsin.") & upcase(name)=upcase("&byvar.");
/* Subset DSIN into WATERFALL & sort */
data waterfall;
set &dsin.;
where &whr.;
proc sort data=waterfall;
by &byvar. descending &yvar.;
data waterfall;
set waterfall;
/* Create waterfall plot */
options formchar="|____|+|___+=|_/\<>*" pageno=1 nonumber nodate orientation=landscape center;
ods listing close;
ods pdf file="&outpath.\&filename..pdf" style=journal;
/* goptions reset=all ftext=swissl ftitle=swissl hsize=9 in vsize=6.5 in;*/
title1 "&title.";
proc sgplot data=waterfall;
where &yvar.^=.;
needle x=n y=&yvar. / group=&byvar. lineattrs=(thickness=&barwidth.);
refline 0;
keylegend / across=1 position=topleft location=inside;
xaxis display=none;
yaxis grid values=(-100 to 150 by 50) label="&ylab.";
ods pdf close;
ods listing;
title; footnote;
/* proc datasets lib=work;*/
/* delete waterfall;*/
/* run;*/
%mend waterfall;
Try changing the style or removing the style=journal option.
I have removed the style=journal option (it is just by habit that that is in there). I got color output, but I have dashed lines for the red bars. Should I specify a certain style that will not give dashed needles?
You have specified style=journal for the PDF destination, so you are getting what you ask for . Remove that and reset it back to one of the color styles.
ods pdf file="&outpath.\&filename..pdf" style=journal;
Suggestion: Use the same style for HTM and PDF if you are generating both. Different styles are likely to have different color, font and other appearnce differences.
I have removed the style=journal option (it is just by habit that that is in there). I got color output, but I have dashed lines for the red bars. Should I specify a certain style that will not give dashed needles?
Set lineattrs=(pattern=solid) on the needle plot.
Yes, with SAS 9.3, the HTMLBlue style will delay usage of line patterns till after all colors are used up.
I didn't mark this as a question, so I couldn't give you points as a correct answer. Both of these options did the trick. Thank you for your sharp eye! Such simple fixes that I spent so much time searching for.
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