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Barite | Level 11

 I came across the %forestmacro from the SAS. I am running into two issues.

1. How I can control the x- axis values based on my requirements like min. max and offsets?

2. When I have the the negative values by default it changing the whole x- axis labels  and causing the compress of bars.

Please guide me in the macro where I can adjust them according to my requirement and have the flexibility. Thank you for your time.

I am attaching my output and warning in log .



%macro ForestMacro (
       Data=,    	    /*--Data Set Name (Required)--*/
       Study=,          /*--Variable name for Study (Required)--*/ 
       OddsRatio=,      /*--Variable name for Odds Ratio (Required)--*/ 
       LCL=,            /*--Variable name for Lower Confidence Limit (Required)--*/ 
       UCL=,            /*--Variable name for Upper Confidence Limit (Required)--*/ 
       Group=,          /*--Variable name for Study Type--*/ 
       Weight=,         /*--Variable name for Study Weight in %--*/
	   StatCol1=,       /*--Variable name for Stat Column 1--*/
	   StatCol2=,       /*--Variable name for Stat Column 2--*/
	   StatCol3=,       /*--Variable name for Stat Column 3--*/
	   StatCol4=,       /*--Variable name for Stat Column 4--*/
	   DisplayCols=YES, /*--Display the columns for OR, LCL, UCL & Weight--*/
	   WtFactor=,       /*--Multiplier factor for Study Weights--*/
                        /*--If not provided WtFactor is computed internally--*/
	   Bands=YES,       /*--Draw Horizontal Alternating Bands--*/
	   Borders=NO,      /*--Draw Borders--*/
	   GraphWalls=NO,   /*--Draw Filled Walls behind the Graph--*/
	   StatWalls=NO,    /*--Draw Filled Walls behind the Statistics Tables--*/
	   Width=6.4in,     /*--Default width of the graph in pixels--*/
	   Height=,         /*--Default height of the graph is computed based on number of observations--*/
	   LabelColWidth=0.2,                /*--Fractional width for Label Column--*/
	   Label1=Favors Treatment,          /*--Favorable Label--*/
	   Label2=Favors Control,            /*--Unfavorable Label--*/
	   PlotTitle=Odds Ratio and 95% CL,  /*--Plot Title--*/
	   FootNote=,                        /*--Graph Footnote--*/
	   Title2=,                          /*--Graph title2--*/
	   Title=Impact of Treatment on Mortality by Study  /*--Graph Title--*/ 

%local  WeightVar MarkerSize GraphColWidth StatColWidth Border DisplaySecondary GraphWallDisplay StatWallDisplay;
%local  OddsLabel LowerLabel UpperLabel WeightLabel SLabel1 SLabel2 SLabel3 SLabel4;
%local  GraphHeight Ratio RowHeight HeaderHeight Nobs;

/*--Data, Study, OddsRatio, LCL and UCL are required   --*/
/*--Group is optional                                  --*/
/*--Terminatethese required parameters are not supplied--*/
%if %length(&Data) eq 0 %then %do;
%put The parameter 'Data' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.;
%goto finished;
%else %if %length(&Study) eq 0 %then %do;
%put The parameter 'Study' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.;
%goto finished;
%else %if %length(&LCL) eq 0 %then %do;
%put The parameter 'LCL' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.;
%goto finished;
%else %if %length(&UCL) eq 0 %then %do;
%put The parameter 'UCL' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.;
%goto finished;
%else %if %length(&OddsRatio) eq 0 %then %do;
%put The parameter 'OddsRatio' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.;
%goto finished;

/*--Initialize GraphHeight, Height per row and Height for other graph items--*/
%let GraphHeight=&Height;
%let RowHeight=22;
%let HeaderHeight=100;
%if %length(&Footnote) ne 0 %then %do;
  %let HeaderHeight=115;

/*--If the Weight column is not provided, use equal weights, and suppress display of Weight stat--*/
%if &Weight eq %then %do;
  %let WeightVar = _Weight;
  %let MarkerSize = 7;
%else %do;
  %let WeightVar=&Weight;
  %let MarkerSize = 0;

/*--Set up GTL options for borders--*/
%let DisplaySecondary = displaysecondary=none;
%let Borders=%upcase(&Borders);
%if &Borders eq YES or &Borders eq Y %then %do;
  %let Border = line;
  %let DisplaySecondary = displaysecondary=(line);

/*--Set up GTL options for GraphWall Display--*/
%let GraphWallDisplay = walldisplay=none;
%let GraphWalls=%upcase(&GraphWalls);
%if &GraphWalls eq YES or &GraphWalls eq Y %then %do;
  %let GraphWallDisplay = walldisplay=(fill);

/*--Set up GTL options for StatWall Display--*/
%let StatWallDisplay = walldisplay=none;
%let StatWalls=%upcase(&StatWalls);
%if &StatWalls eq YES or &StatWalls eq Y %then %do;
  %let StatWallDisplay = walldisplay=(fill);

/*--Create Label Columns for standard and additional columns--*/

/*--Load Stat Column Label or name into macro for label column value--*/
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&Data));
%if &dsid %then %do;
    %let Nobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs));
	%if &Nobs eq 0 %then %do;
      %put The Data Set &Data has no observations - Forest Macro Terminated.;
      %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); 
      %goto finished;

    %if &Nobs gt 100 %then %do;
      %put The Data Set &Data has over 100 observations - Forest Macro Terminated.;
      %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); 
      %goto finished;

    /*--Count the number of stat columns--*/
    %let idx=0;
	/*--Column display information for the OddsRatio column--*/
	%let DisplayCols=%upcase(&DisplayCols);

    %if &DisplayCols eq YES or &DisplayCols eq Y %then %do;
      %let OddsLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&OddsRatio))));
  	  %if %length(&OddsLabel) eq 0 %then %let OddsLabel=&OddsRatio;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

      %let LowerLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&LCL))));
  	  %if %length(&LowerLabel) eq 0 %then %let LowerLabel=&LCL;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

      %let UpperLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&UCL))));
  	  %if %length(&UpperLabel) eq 0 %then %let UpperLabel=&UCL;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

      %if &Weight ne %then %do;
        %let WeightLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&Weight))));
  	    %if %length(&WeightLabel) eq 0 %then %let WeightLabel=&Weight;
	    %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

	/*--Additional columns to be displayed--*/
    %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do;
      %let SLabel1=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol1))));
  	  %if %length(&SLabel1) eq 0 %then %let SLabel1=&StatCol1;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

    %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do;
      %let SLabel2=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol2))));
  	  %if %length(&SLabel2) eq 0 %then %let SLabel2=&StatCol2;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

    %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do;
      %let SLabel3=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol3))));
  	  %if %length(&SLabel3) eq 0 %then %let SLabel3=&StatCol3;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

    %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do;
      %let SLabel4=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol4))));
  	  %if %length(&SLabel4) eq 0 %then %let SLabel4=&StatCol4;
	  %let idx= %eval(&idx+1);

    %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); 

	/*--Set column weights based on number of stat columns--*/
    %let StatColWidth=%sysevalf(&idx * 0.075);
    %let GraphColWidth= %sysevalf(1.0 - &LabelColWidth - &StatColWidth);
%else %do;
    %put The data set &Data does not exist - Forest Macro Terminated.;
    %goto finished;

/*--Compute Weight Factor if not provided   --*/
/*--Estimate height of graph if not provided--*/
data _null_;
  set &Data end=last;
  retain totalweight 0;

  if last then do;
    %if &wtFactor eq %then %do;
      if totalweight <= 0 then totalweight=1;
      call symput ('wtFactor', 1 / totalweight);
	/*--Estimate Ratio of Plot height by Graph Height--*/
	call symput ('Ratio', (_N_* &RowHeight)/(_N_* &RowHeight + &HeaderHeight));

    /*--Estimate the optimal height of the graph based on obs count--*/
    %if &Height eq %then %do;
	  call symput ('GraphHeight', _N_ * &RowHeight + &HeaderHeight);

/*--Append a PX only if this internally estimated--*/
%if &Height eq %then %do;
%let GraphHeight=&GraphHeight.px;

/*--Process Data--*/
data _forest;
  set &Data;
  format _wt PERCENT6.1;


  %if &Weight eq %then %do;

  label _wt=&WeightLabel;

  /*--If Group column is provided--*/
  %if %length(&Group) ne 0 %then %do;
    /*--Group=1 (Study) values will be drawn without a group role--*/
    if &group=1 then do;
	  _wt=&WeightVar / 100;
      _or1 = &OddsRatio;
      /*--Compute marker width--*/
      _x1=&OddsRatio / (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2));
      _x2=&OddsRatio * (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2));
  /*--Group=2 & 3 (SubGroup and Overall) values will be drawn with groupindex=2 & 3--*/
    else if &group > 1 then do;
      _or2 = &OddsRatio;
  %else %do;
    _wt=&WeightVar / 100;
    _or1 = &OddsRatio;
    /*--Compute marker width--*/
    _x1=&OddsRatio / (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2));
    _x2=&OddsRatio * (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2));

  /*--Create label columns for standard and additional statistic--*/
  %if %length(&OddsRatio) ne 0 %then %do;
    _OddsRatioLabel = symget('OddsLabel');

  %if %length(&LCL) ne 0 %then %do;
    _LowerLabel = symget('LowerLabel');

  %if %length(&UCL) ne 0 %then %do;
    _UpperLabel = symget('UpperLabel');

  %if %length(&Weight) ne 0 %then %do;
    _WeightLabel = symget('WeightLabel');

  %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do;
    _StatColLabel1 = symget('SLabel1');
	_StatCol1 = &StatCol1;

  %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do;
    _StatColLabel2 = symget('SLabel2');
	_StatCol2 = &StatCol2;

  %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do;
    _StatColLabel3 = symget('SLabel3');
	_StatCol3 = &StatCol3;

  %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do;
    _StatColLabel4 = symget('SLabel4');
	_StatCol4 = &StatCol4;

/*--Reverse the order to avoid putting axis reverse--*/
proc sort data=_forest out=_forest;
  by descending _ObsId;

/*--Add sequence numbers to each observation--*/
data _forest;
  set _forest;

/*--Output values and formatted strings to data set--*/
data _forestFormat;
  set _forest end=last;
  keep label start end fmtname type hlo;
  retain fmtname '_Study' type 'n';
  if last then do;

/*--Create Format from data set--*/
proc format library=work cntlin=_forestFormat;

/*--Apply format to study values--*/
/*--Compute width of box proportional to weight in log scale--*/
data _forest;
  format studyvalue _study.;
  set _forest;
  %let Bands=%upcase(&Bands);
  %if &Bands eq YES or &Bands eq Y %then %do;
    if mod(studyvalue, 2) = 0 then _StudyRef=StudyValue;

/*--Compute top and bottom offsets--*/
data _null_;
  thk=pct* 0.9 *100;
  call symputx("pct", pct);
  call symputx("pct2", 2*pct);
  call symputx("RefThickness", thk);
  call symputx("count", nobs);
  set _forest nobs=nobs;

/*options nodate nonumber;*/

/*--Define GTL template for graph--*/
proc template;
  define statgraph ForestMacro;
    begingraph / designwidth=&Width designheight=&GraphHeight;
	  entrytitle "&Title";
	  entryfootnote halign=left "&FootNote";
	  %if %length(&title2) ne 0 %then %do;
	    entrytitle "&title2" / textattrs=graphLabelText;
	  layout lattice / columns=3 columnweights=(&LabelColWidth &GraphColWidth &StatColWidth) columngutter=0
        /*--Column # 1 contains the Study Labels using Secondary Y axis--*/
        layout overlay / walldisplay=none x2axisopts=(display=none)
                         yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1))
                                    offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct display=none
                                    displaysecondary=(tickvalues &border));
		  scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_or1 / yaxis=Y xaxis=X2 markerattrs=(size=0) includemissinggroup=true;
		  scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_or1 / yaxis=Y xaxis=X2 markerattrs=(size=0) includemissinggroup=true;
	    /*--Column # 2 contains the graph--*/
        layout overlay / &GraphWallDisplay border=false
                         xaxisopts=(offsetmin=0  type=log logopts=(minorticks=true)
                                    label="&PlotTitle" display=(ticks tickvalues line) 
                                    displaysecondary=(label &border)) 
                         yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1))
                                    offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct display=none);

		  /*--Draw alternating bands using referenceline--*/
          %if &Bands eq YES or &Bands eq Y %then %do;
            referenceline y=_StudyRef / lineattrs=(thickness=&RefThickness.PCT) datatransparency=0.9;

          /*--Draw Markers for SubGroup and Overall values--*/
		  %if %length(&Group) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_or2 / markerattrs=(symbol=diamondfilled size=10) group=_grp 
                      includemissinggroup=true index=_grp;
          /*--Draw OddsRatio and Limits for Study Values--*/
          scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_or1 / xerrorupper=_ucl1 xerrorlower=_lcl1 
                  markerattrs=graphdata1(symbol=squarefilled size=&MarkerSize);

		  /*--Draw box representing the weight of the study--*/
          vectorplot y=studyvalue x=_x2 xorigin=_x1 yorigin=studyvalue / lineattrs=GraphData1(thickness=8) 

          /*--Draw Reference lines and labels--*/
          referenceline x=1;
          referenceline x=0.01 /  lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash) datatransparency=0.5;
		  referenceline x=0.1 /  lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash) datatransparency=0.5;
		  referenceline x=10 /  lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash) datatransparency=0.5;
		  referenceline x=100 /  lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash) datatransparency=0.5;
		  entry halign=left  "&Label1" / valign=bottom;
		  entry halign=right "&Label2" / valign=bottom;

	    /*--Column # 2 contains the statistics data--*/
        layout overlay / &StatWallDisplay border=false
                         x2axisopts=(display=(tickvalues &border) displaysecondary=(line))
                         yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1))
                                    offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct 
                                    display=none &DisplaySecondary.);
          /*--Draw alternating bands using referenceline--*/
          %if &Bands eq YES %then %do;
            referenceline y=_StudyRef / lineattrs=(thickness=&RefThickness.PCT) datatransparency=0.9;

          /*--Draw standard statistics columns--*/
          %if &DisplayCols eq YES or &DisplayCols eq Y %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_OddsRatioLabel / markercharacter=&OddsRatio xaxis=x2;
			scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_LowerLabel / markercharacter=&LCL xaxis=x2;
			scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_UpperLabel / markercharacter=&UCL xaxis=x2;
			%if &Weight ne %then %do;
              scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_WeightLabel / markercharacter=_wt xaxis=x2;

		  /*--Draw additional statistics columns--*/
          %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel1 / markercharacter=&StatCol1 xaxis=x2;

		  %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel2 / markercharacter=&StatCol2 xaxis=x2;

          %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel3 / markercharacter=&StatCol3 xaxis=x2;

          %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel4 / markercharacter=&StatCol4 xaxis=x2;


proc sgrender data=_forest template=ForestMacro description='Forest Plot';

%mend ForestMacro;
End of Macro

data class ;
	set sashelp.class ;
 if _n_ <=4 then do;
 *Creating lcl negative values  and affecting the x axis in macro;
	  name1 = name||"its long name";

  else if _n_ >=5 and _n_<=9 then do;


  else if _n_ >=10 and _n_<=15 then do;


  else   do;

 keep  hr ucl name1 lcl pvalue groupid;

%ForestMacro(data=class, Study=name1, Group=GroupId, OddsRatio=HR,
LCL=lcl, UCL=ucl,Bands=NO, GraphWalls=NO, StatWalls=NO, Borders=NO, StatCol1=pvalue);

 Reference Macro link:


Super User
Odds ratio have be above 0 by definition don't they? Are you plotting a different statistics?
If not, you may want to use a newer method.

You'll have a lot more control with SGPLOT and the Axistables options.
Barite | Level 11

You are correct, I was using the graph for risk difference where there is a chance of having negative values, I thought this macro will work with little modifications since most of the other settings are there as per my requirement. But  it looks like the macro controlled based on the Odds ratio values like you mentioned. Thank you for pointing out for this and guideing for another program. I will take a look and work on it. 

Super User

Nothing to do with the LCL, AXIS or such.

In this example at least.

It is your code assigning values to the variable _or2.

Your Class example data set only has values of 1 for the Groupid variable. So the code where -or2 is assigned the first time you create the _forest data set:

  /*--Group=2 & 3 (SubGroup and Overall) values will be drawn with groupindex=2 & 3--*/
    else if &group > 1 then do;
      _or2 = &OddsRatio;

Never executes as &group, which uses GroupId variable, is never greater than 1 so _or2 is always missing.

So any attempt to use variable where it needs at least one non-missing value will fail.

The code that attempts to verify whether the plot for _or2 should be done tests for the Presences of &group, not the values involved that are required to create _or2.

		  %if %length(&Group) ne 0 %then %do;
            scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_or2 / markerattrs=(symbol=diamondfilled size=10) group=_grp 
                      includemissinggroup=true index=_grp;

So maybe in the code that assigns _or2 values a macro variable that will indicate at least one value was set should be created and used in the above %if. Personally I would probably test for a specific value instead of presence with should be known flag value set.


Note: I find multiple places where you replace your _forest data set. That can be very hard to debug in general and when buried in a macro even worse as to exactly which step created any problem.


Barite | Level 11

Thank you for guiding me.  I think I didn't paid that much attention inside the macro. I will work to debug on it and change the dataset names ( this was a sas macro so I did not attempted anything to change in macro before). When kept the LCL as positive values , the graphs looked fine but I did not paid the the attention in log. so  I guess it happening in both cases.  I will look into this more. Thanks again for your time.

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