Hi folks:
@Rick_SAS @Reeza @PGStats @ballardw
I'm trying to visualize the relationship between follow-up time (fu) on x-axis and excess hazard ratio also known as relative excess risk on y-axis by disease stage.
Desired plot.
The poisson model in the SAS code estimates relative excess risks. I output parameter estimates to a dataset and exponentiated parameter estimates using Dr. Dickman's approach.
I then plotted exponentiated parameter estimates against the follow-up time grouped by 'stage'. This resulted in the busy plot as shown below.
ods graphics/width=10in height=3in;
proc sgplot data=parmest;
series x=level1 y=rer /group=stage;
title 'Excess relative risk by stage, 52 week follow-up';
yaxis label='excess relative risk';
However, the smooth flow line on the plot I want appears to have been produced on the all-record data rather a summary data.
I also, attempted to use effectplot option and got this error from the code below. I'm using SAS 9.4 TS Level 1M5.
NOTE: Algorithm converged.
NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.
ERROR: Variable configuration is not currently supported by the EFFECTPLOT statement.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
ods output parameterestimates=parmest(WHERE=(PARAMETER IN ('fu'))); /* parameter estimates */ proc genmod data=individ order=formatted; fwdlink link = log(_MEAN_-d_star); invlink ilink= exp(_XBETA_)+d_star; class stage; model d = fu age stage/ error=poisson offset=ln_y type3; output out=colon.out(keep=xb agegrp fu range stage) xbeta=xb; effectplot /clm moff; run;
Variable 'age' is continuous and 'stage' is categorical with 4 levels. 'fu' has 52 levels for 52 weeks of calendar year which is a follow-up interval in this context.
Below is my full code and mock data attached to the post.
ods output parameterestimates=parmest;
proc genmod data=have order=formatted;
title3 'Main effects model (first 52 week follow-up, age adjusted, stratified by stage)';
by stage;
fwdlink link = log(_MEAN_-d_star);
invlink ilink= exp(_XBETA_)+d_star;
class fu;
model d = fu age / error=poisson offset=ln_y type3;
output out=colon.out(keep=xb agegrp fu range stage) xbeta=xb;
ods output close;
data parmest; set parmest;
if df gt 0 then do;
proc print data=parmest label noobs;
title4 'Estimates for beta and relative excess risks (RER=exp(beta))';
id parameter; by parameter notsorted;
var level1 estimate stderr rer low_rer hi_rer;
format estimate stderr rer low_rer hi_rer 6.3;
stderr='Standard Error'
rer='Estimated RER'
low_rer='Lower limit 95% CI'
hi_rer='Upper limit 95% CI';
I'll greatly appreciate your insights on what output methods would help construct the desired plot?
Thanks in advance. Sample data is attached to this post.
@Cynthia_sas notification says that you responded to my post. But I couldn't find your comment. I was curious what you would have to say to resolving this problem? I've been reading PROC PHREG output out options. Specifically about outputting martingale residual defining in resmart option. I still am not clear which output dataset contains parameter estimates for all records to be plotted against the follow-up time.
I am got the same problems , the EFFECTPLOT options only output the pramaters where model's covarance is Discrete variables.However, if there are continuous variables in the model, the parameter estimation cannot be output,
I want to know how to deal this problem!
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