hello all- little stuck.
I am running SAS 9.4 (I think TM3) off a linux server. I am attempting to export graphs into an excel report w/o success.
From the code below, which I borrowed off the internet, the table exports just fine, but the graph does not render within the finalized excel document although it does show in the results table.
I apologize in advance if someone recognizes their code, but this is inncoculous vs PHI data that I am trying to render-
Any suggestions welcomed. Not sure if I should contact SAS technical support.
data my_data;
input item $ 1-6 Amount Purchase_date date9.;
ITEM A 11.8 14nov2016
ITEM B 10.5 01jul2016
ITEM C 8.8 22feb2015
ITEM D 6.8 01apr2012
ITEM E 3.9 03aug2016
ITEM F 2.3 02mar2016
ods listing close;
ods excel file="/apps/sas/datasets/data137/NCQOS/dev/nc_qos_sandbox/data/dfrx/xxx.xlsx" style=htmlblue;
goptions gunit=pct htitle=6 ftitle="albany amt/bold"
htext=3.5 ftext="albany amt/bold" ctext=gray33;
axis1 label=none value=(justify=right);
axis2 label=('AMOUNT') order=(0 to 12 by 2) minor=none offset=(0,0);
pattern v=solid color=dodgerblue;
ods excel options(SHEET_NAME='Graph');
title1 ls=1.5 "Simple Bar Chart";
proc gchart data=my_data;
format amount dollar5.0;
hbar item / discrete type=sum sumvar=amount nostats
maxis=axis1 raxis=axis2 noframe
autoref clipref cref=graycc;
ods excel options(SHEET_NAME='Data' EMBEDDED_TITLES='yes' START_AT='3,2');
title c=gray33 "Raw Data Values";
proc print data=my_data noobs label;
label purchase_date='Purchase date';
format amount dollar5.2;
format purchase_date date9.;
ods excel close;
Try setting:
options dev=PNG;
before running the GCHART step.
Verify your SAS version, I believe ODS is experimental before T3.
Proc setinit;run;
PS. This assumes your code works and it's just an issue getting it into the Excel report.
And re-using code on here is fine, ideally credited but not required. Just don't say it's yours if it's not.
Current version: 9.04.01M3P062415 per proc setinit;
Try setting:
options dev=PNG;
before running the GCHART step.
Chicken dinner we have a winner!
Thank you all for your quick and helpful responses!
And yet another reason to move to SGPLOT.
Totally forgot about SGPLOT. Been awhile since I have dealt with ODs graphics.
Thanks -This is working much better!
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