I am creating an individual stick plot for each subject, and instead of having a legend want to label each stick by subject id.
I have a different symbol for each subj and different color based on gender. Unable to figure out a way to label the sticks with subject id. can anyone help. Thanks in advance.
data _null_ ;
set concent end=eof;
retain patcount 0;
by subjid;
if first.subjid then patcount+1;
if sex='M' then do;
call symput('sym'||trim(left(patcount)),'symbol'||trim(left(patcount)) || ' '|| 'c'='black'|| ' '||'v=none'||' '|| 'i=join'|| ' ' || 'line=1' || 'width=1' ||';');
if sex='F' then do;
call symput('sym'||trim(left(patcount)),'symbol'||trim(left(patcount)) || ' '|| 'c'='red'|| ' '||'v=none'||' '|| 'i=join'|| ' ' || 'line=1' || 'width=1' ||';');
if eof then call symput('total',patcount);
%put &total. &sym1. ;
/*create a macro that goptions mlogic mprint symbolgenenerates all the symbol statements*/
%macro symbol ;
%do j=1 %to &total;
%mend symbol ;
%symbol ;
goptions nodisplay;
proc gplot data =concent gout=work.mycat;
plot result * visit=subjid /vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 nolegend;
axis1 label=(a=90 'Result')
order=(0 to 100 by 10);
axis2 label=('Visit') minor=none;