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Barite | Level 11

How can I use SGPLOT to produce a STEP plot that has the same look as a GPLOT with SYMBOL I=STEPL.


Data generator and z-normalize

data have(keep=location time measure intensity);
  call streaminit(202005);
  location = 'A'; time=0; 
  do k = 1 to 7; 
    measure = 10 + time; intensity=1+mod(k,4); output; 
    time + 1+rand('integer',1,12)/2; 
  end;  output;

  location = 'B'; time=0; 
  do k = k to k+6;
    measure = 20 + rand('uniform'); intensity=1+mod(k,4); output; 
    time + 1+rand('integer',1,12)/2; 
  end;  output;

  location = 'C'; time=0; 
  do k = k to k+6;
    measure = 30 - time; intensity=1+mod(k,4); output; 
    time + 1+rand('integer',1,12)/2; 
  end;  output;

  location = 'D'; time=0; 
  do k = k to k+6;
    measure = 6.5 + log(time*2); intensity=1+mod(k,4); output; 
    time + 1+rand('integer',1,12)/2; 
  end;  output;

  location = 'E'; time=0; 
  do k = k to k+6;
    measure = mod(time-1,3); intensity=1+mod(k,4); output; 
    time + 1+rand('integer',1,12)/2; 
  end;  output;

proc sql;
  create table locations as select distinct location from have;

data location_ids;
  set locations;
  location_id + 1;
  retain fmtname 'locid';

proc format cntlin=location_ids(rename=(location_id=start location=label));

proc sql;
  * normalize measure by location to z in [-0.4 to 0.4] about location_id;
  create table have_z as
  , location_ids.location_id
  , have.time
  , have.measure
  , (measure-min(measure)) / (max(measure) - min(measure)) * 0.8 - 0.4 as z_normal
  , mean(location_id) + calculated z_normal as z_level format=locid.
  , have.intensity
  from have
  join location_ids on have.location = location_ids.location
  group by location_id
  order by location_id, time

ods html file='step.html';
ods graphics / width=400px;

GPLOT (no vertical part)


goptions xpixels=400 ypixels=300;
symbol1 i=stepL v=dot width=2 height=2;
axis1 label=none minor=none order=0 to 6 value=('' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' '');
axis2 label=none minor=none major=none value=none;

proc gplot data=have_z;
  title h=11pt "Measures, Normalized for Location (GPLOT)";
  plot z_level * time = location_id / nolegend vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2;



SGPLOT (how to remove vertical part ?)

proc sgplot data=have_z noautolegend;
  title h=11pt "Measures, Normalized for Location (SGPLOT)";
  step   x=time y=z_level / group=location_id lineattrs=(thickness=2px) markers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=8px);
  *bubble x=time y=z_level size=intensity / group=location_id bradiusmin=1 bradiusmax=6;
  xaxis integer display=none;
  yaxis integer display=(nolabel); 





Accepted Solutions
Meteorite | Level 14

The GTL syntax that SGPLOT produces does support the JOIN=false option to achieve the visual you want.  SGPLOT may not implement this option.  One way to do this to run your SGPLOT code with TMPLOUT="filename" option.  The generated GTL code will be saved in filename.  Then add the JOIN option to the generated STEPPLOT statement and run the GTL program.

View solution in original post

Meteorite | Level 14

The GTL syntax that SGPLOT produces does support the JOIN=false option to achieve the visual you want.  SGPLOT may not implement this option.  One way to do this to run your SGPLOT code with TMPLOUT="filename" option.  The generated GTL code will be saved in filename.  Then add the JOIN option to the generated STEPPLOT statement and run the GTL program.


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