Is it possible to draw lines with different transparency levels (based on a variable)? For instance, I would like to do something like below, but I get an error because transparency= option does not take a variable. 😞
Unlike the example, I have about 400 lines to overlay and I thought varying the transparency is a way to avoid over-plotting and to emphasize series based on some measure of importance (i.e., the more "important" the series is, the lower its transparency level). Maybe I am thinking about this incorrectly. Any idea to achieve similar results will be appreciated.
/* test data */
%let seed = 1234;
data one;
do id = 1 to 4;
trans = 0.9 + 0.02 * id;
do day = 0 to 10;
price = 0.2 *ranuni(&seed);
ods graphics on;
ods html;
proc sgplot data=one;
series x=day y=price / group=id transparency=trans;
ods html close;