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Fluorite | Level 6

I am trying to reproduce this graph but to make proportion with pain the y axis and those with ulcer the x axis.

I have tried

proc sgplot data=ulcer;

      series x=Proportion_with_ulcer y=proportion_with_pain / group=dose break /**lineattrs=(pattern1= solid pattern2=dot pattern3=dashdashdot pattern4=shortdash color=black )"**/;
pattern1  value= dose color=blue;
pattern2 value=dose color=red;
pattern3  value=dose color=pink;
pattern4  value=dose color=green;
            xaxis label='Proportion of Patients with Duodenal Ulcers' values=(0 to 1 by 0.2);

      yaxis grid label='Proportion of Patients with Daytime UGI Pain' values=(0 to 1 by 0.2);

portion of Patients with Daytime UGI Pain' values=(0 to 1 by 0.2);

 it is not giving me what I want.

Please I need help urgently.


Thank you



Accepted Solutions
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10


proc format;
  value dose 
      0 ='   0 mg hs'
    400 =' 400 mg hs'
    800 =' 800 mg hs'
   1600 ='1600 mg hs'

proc sgplot data=ulcer;
  series x=proportion_with_pain y=proportion_with_ulcer / group=dose datalabel=week datalabelattrs=(size=10 weight=bold);
  styleattrs datalinepatterns=(solid shortdash mediumdash longdash);
  refline 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 / axis=y;
  xaxis min=0 label='Proportion of patients with Duodenal Ulcers';
  yaxis min=0 label='Proportion of Patients with Daytime UGI pain';
  format dose dose. ;
  keylegend / title='' down=2;
  inset '1, 2, 4 weeks of follow-up' / textattrs=(size=12 weight=bold) position=right;

Series plot of proportion with ulcer by proportion with pain by doseSeries plot of proportion with ulcer by proportion with pain by dose

View solution in original post

Ammonite | Level 13

You should look at the documentation for sgplot.  Also search for "basic ods graphics examples" book. Pattern statements are sas/graph and are ignored in ods graphics.

Fluorite | Level 6
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I did as you suggested but I
still could not get the desired result.

The following are my data and variable.

data Ulcer;
input week dose Proportion_with_ulcer proportion_with_pain @@;
0 0 1 0.83
0 400 1 1
0 800 1 0.82
0 1600 1 0.85
1 0 0.81 0.79
1 400 0.82 0.80
1 800 0.84 0.70
1 1600 0.79 0.70
2 0 0.71 0.71
2 400 0.63 0.56
2 800 0.62 0.40
2 1600 0.51 0.35
4 0 0.59 0.60
4 400 0.38 0.50
4 800 0.28 0.38
4 1600 0.26 0.30

I would appreciate it if you could write the SAS code.

Thank you.

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10


proc format;
  value dose 
      0 ='   0 mg hs'
    400 =' 400 mg hs'
    800 =' 800 mg hs'
   1600 ='1600 mg hs'

proc sgplot data=ulcer;
  series x=proportion_with_pain y=proportion_with_ulcer / group=dose datalabel=week datalabelattrs=(size=10 weight=bold);
  styleattrs datalinepatterns=(solid shortdash mediumdash longdash);
  refline 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 / axis=y;
  xaxis min=0 label='Proportion of patients with Duodenal Ulcers';
  yaxis min=0 label='Proportion of Patients with Daytime UGI pain';
  format dose dose. ;
  keylegend / title='' down=2;
  inset '1, 2, 4 weeks of follow-up' / textattrs=(size=12 weight=bold) position=right;

Series plot of proportion with ulcer by proportion with pain by doseSeries plot of proportion with ulcer by proportion with pain by dose


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