Hello All:
I am a long time SAS user but have only begun to explore the mysteries of the GTL language. Here is what I am trying to do. I am trying to create a three panel vertical set of graphs that share the same x-axis (a sas date field). The top graph is a line plot and the second or middle graph is a blockplot. I have been able to create both of them in GTL and gotten the graphs to share the same x axis. The third and bottom plot is the one I am having trouble with and have not been able to create using GTL. That third plot is more of a timeline that lists events through time (again, the shared X axis). I originally created it as an annotate dataset which I then use to annotate a dummy plot. The question I have is two fold:
1) Is GTL compatible with the annotate facility? My initial review of documentation suggests no. 8-(
2) If not, is there a way of achieving the same results in GTL? Could I create a dummy plot and use some statement (vectorplot?) to create labels and lines to populate it?
I am looking for general guidance, no need to provide specific code.
Thanks very much!!!