A quick black-and-white ODS Graphics take on the Times Square New Year's Eve ball drop (hat tip to Rick Wicklin for the BY-statement trick!). Happy New Year's!
* Fun w/SAS ODS Graphics: B&W New Year's Eve Ball Drop;
*==> Generate and render data for frames showing ball dropping w/countdown timer;
data HappyNewYear; * Generate points/text for ball drop & countdown timer;
x=.5; x1=.5; * X-values of ball, countdown text are constant;
x1=.5; y1=.5; y2016=2016; * Coordinates and label for countdown timer;
do frameid=1 to 0 by -.01; * Generate data for frames (ball position + timer text);
if frameid>.0001 then text=compress(put(ceil(frameid*10),2.)); else text='';
r=50; * Relative size of ball for bubble plot;
y=.; r=1; output; * Generate small "dummy" point to make ball bigger;
options nobyline; * Animated GIF initialization;
ods _all_ close;
options papersize=('5 in', '5 in') printerpath=gif animation=start
nodate nonumber animloop=YES animduration=.1 NOANIMOVERLAY ;
ods printer file='/folders/myfolders/HappyNewYear/HappyNewYear.gif';
ods graphics / width=5in height=5in imagefmt=GIF border=off;
proc template; * Display ball (bubbleplot) & countdown timer (textplot);
define statgraph newyearplot1;
begingraph / opaque=true border=false drawspace=layoutpercent backgroundcolor=black;
layout overlayequated / equatetype=square border=false
WALLDISPLAY=NONE commonaxisopts=(viewmin=-.15 viewmax=1.15 tickvaluelist=(-.15 1.15))
xaxisopts=(display=none OFFSETMAX=0 OFFSETMIN=0) yaxisopts=(display=none OFFSETMAX=0 OFFSETMIN=0);
textplot x=x1 y=y1 text=text / position=center textattrs=(size=232pt color=grey) contributeoffsets=none;
bubbleplot x=x y=y size=r / datalabel=y2016 datalabelposition=center
datalabelattrs=(color=black weight=bold size=20pt)
dataskin=sheen colormodel=(WHITE) colorresponse=x bubbleradiusmax=40;
proc sgrender data=happynewyear template=newyearplot1; * Generate one frame for each position of ball;
by frameID notsorted;
*==> Generate and render data for Happy New Year! frames;
data happynewyear2; * Generate points/text;
x1=.5; y1=.5; text1="Happy*New Year!";
x2=.5; y2=0; text2="2017";
%macro genframes(duration=,backlight=); * Vary backlighting/duration to make words "flash";
options animduration=&duration;
proc template;
define statgraph newyearplot2;
begingraph / opaque=true border=false drawspace=layoutpercent backgroundcolor=black;
layout overlayequated / equatetype=square border=false
WALLDISPLAY=NONE commonaxisopts=(viewmin=-.15 viewmax=1.15 tickvaluelist=(-.15 1.15))
xaxisopts=(display=none OFFSETMAX=0 OFFSETMIN=0) yaxisopts=(display=none OFFSETMAX=0 OFFSETMIN=0);
textplot x=x1 y=y1 text=text1 / position=top backlight=&backlight splitchar='*' splitpolicy=splitalways
textattrs=(size=42pt weight=bold) contributeoffsets=none;
textplot x=x2 y=y2 text=text2 / position=center backlight=&backlight splitchar='*' splitpolicy=splitalways
textattrs=(size=42pt weight=bold) contributeoffsets=none;
proc sgrender data=happynewyear2 template=newyearplot2;
%genframes(duration=.5,backlight=1); * Alternate bright/dim for "flashing" effect;
options printerpath=gif animation=stop; * Wrap-up animated GIF creation;
ods printer close;
Thanks for squeezing in one more cool ODS Graphics trick, @tc! Happy New Year!
Nice count down @tc! Will this be your next dataviz? www.linkedin.com/hp/update/6221188723963359232
It is a nice effect - perhaps I should submit a SASware Ballot idea for a CIRCULARDOTPLOT SGPLOT statement. 🙂
Another nice piece of work by Ted, BUT . . .
what happened to the Leap Second?
Or is it added to 2017 AFTER the ball drop completes?
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