At home waiting for the Comcast installer today (75Mbps, Internet here I come!), so thought I'd take a crack at Rick Wicklin's visualize-the-ages-of-US-presidents challenge. Try as I might, I'm afraid Rick wins this ODS Graphics throwdown with his elegant viz, but thought I'd post my stab at a Gantt chart-like solution anyway (which I "adapted" from Sanjay Matange's The HIGHLOW Plot). Wait'll next year, as we Cubs fans (used to!) say.
CODE (uses RW's Presidents SAS dataset)
* Gantt-chart like take on Rick Wicklin's Presidential ages vector chart;
proc format; * Kludge since Trump's term TBD;
picture trump 74.1-74.9="?" other='99.9';
data presidents2;
set presidents;
if AgeAtEndDate=. then AgeAtEndDate=AgeAtInauguration+4; * Default to 4-year term;
format AgeAtInauguration AgeAtEndDate trump.;
label InaugurationDate="Inaugurated" PresidencyEndDate="End Date";
ods graphics on / imagemap height=11.25in width=11.25in;
proc sgplot data=presidents2 noautolegend;
highlow y=President low=AgeAtInauguration high=AgeAtEndDate /
lowlabel=AgeAtInauguration highlabel=AgeAtEndDate lineattrs=(thickness=4pt);
yaxis grid reverse display=(nolabel noticks);
yaxistable InaugurationDate PresidencyEndDate;
xaxis grid values=(40 to 80 by 5) valuesformat=z2.
label="Age of US Presidents at Beginning and End of Term";
Nice work @tc! Pleased to see you took up the challenge
Oops - didn't notice that Grover Cleveland had two terms, which threw a monkey wrench into my inauguration and term end dates (nice to see HIGHLOW handles the multiple line segments though!). Added President # tie-breaker - revised code, output below.
proc format; * Kludge since Trump's term TBD;
picture trump 74.1-74.9="?" other='99.9';
data presidents2;
set presidents;
if AgeAtEndDate=. then AgeAtEndDate=AgeAtInauguration+4; * Default to 4-year term;
format AgeAtInauguration AgeAtEndDate trump. InaugurationDate PresidencyEndDate yymmddd10.;
label InaugurationDate="Inaugurated" PresidencyEndDate="End Date";
ods graphics on / imagemap height=11.25in width=11.25in;
proc sgplot data=presidents2 noautolegend;
highlow y=n low=AgeAtInauguration high=AgeAtEndDate /
lowlabel=AgeAtInauguration highlabel=AgeAtEndDate lineattrs=(thickness=4pt);
yaxis grid reverse display=(nolabel noticks) type=discrete valueattrs=(size=8pt);
yaxistable president / position=left valueattrs=(size=8pt) nolabel;
yaxistable InaugurationDate PresidencyEndDate / valueattrs=(size=8pt) labelattrs=(size=8pt);
xaxis grid values=(40 to 80 by 5) valuesformat=z2. valueattrs=(size=8pt)
label="Age of US Presidents at Beginning and End of Term";
Rick is awesome, but this chart is far cleaner, easier to read, and more informative. Congrats!
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