Happy Mother's Day, all!
* Fun w/SAS ODS Graphics: Mom Bracelet;
data beads; * Create "beads" for Mom bracelet;
retain size 1; * All beads same size;
pi=constant("pi"); * 3.414...;
do i=1 to 20; * Plot 20 points around circle (see blogs.sas.com/content/graphicallyspeaking/2018/11/01/text-plot-can-do-that/);
angle=angle+90; * Add 90 to angle to rotate letter labels at bottom back upright;
if i in (9, 11) then txt="M"; * Add letters 'M' in beads 9 and 11 for 'MOM' (counting from top and going clockwise);
if i=10 then yH=y; * Need a point to plot a heart in bead 10 (instead of the 'O' in 'MOM');
yh=.; txt=""; * Reset variables;
* Let's plot the bracelet! (Ellipse + Bubble + Text Plots);
ods graphics / width=5.5in height=5.5in antialias noborder;
proc sgplot data=beads noautolegend noborder pad=0 aspect=1 nowall subpixel noborder pad=0;
styleattrs backcolor=cxfff9ff; * Very light pink background;
symbolimage name=heart image='/home/ted.conway/heart.png'; * Use white heart image for the 'O' in 'MOM';
ellipseparm semimajor=1 semiminor=1 / slope=0 xorigin=0 yorigin=0 outline lineattrs=(color=vipk thickness=3pt); * 'Elastic' to string beads;
bubble x=x y=y size=size / fill fillattrs=(color=stpk) nooutline bradiusmin=30 bradiusmax=31 dataskin=gloss; * Beads;
text x=x y=y text=txt / rotate=angle contributeoffsets=none strip textattrs=(color=white size=26pt weight=bold); * Plot 'M' letters in 'MOM' at an angle;
scatter x=x y=yH / markerattrs=(symbol=heart size=32pt); * Plot heart image (takes place of 'O' in 'MOM');
xaxis display=none offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 values=(-1.3 1.3); * Suppress labels/ticks on axes, set bounds;
yaxis display=none offsetmin=0 offsetmax=0 values=(-1.3 1.3);