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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

The Largest Employer in Every StateThe Largest Employer in Every State


Leveraged some old code and scraped some data from a 24/7 Wall St. story that ran earlier this year to cobble together a hexagon tile map of the largest employers in each state. Happy Labor Day, all!


*  Fun With SAS ODS Graphics, Labor Day Edition: The Largest Employer in Every State
   Data source: The Largest Employer in Every State;

*==> Scrape state info from HTML for pages 2-12 of 24/7 Wall St. story by Grant Suneson;
filename in url '' lrecl=1000;
data states;
length fvi state employer employeesx industry $ 255;
do pg=2 to 12;                                                    * Data starts on page 2 of 12;
  do while(not eof); 
    infile in url filevar=fvi end=eof;                            * Use file variable for URL (vary page from 2 to 12);
    input;                                                        * Grab state name?;
    i=index(_infile_,'<p><span class="title-bullet"><strong>');   
    if i>0 then do; 
      input;                                                      * Grab largest employer;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Largest employer:</strong>');
      input;                                                      * Grab # employees;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Employees:</strong>');
      employees=input(compress(employeesX,' ,'),15.);
      input;                                                      * Grab industry;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Industry:</strong>');
  eof=0;                                                          * Reset EOF for next file;
stop;                                                             * Stop after pages read;

proc sql;                                                         * Find 2-character state abbreviations;
create table statescodes as 
select z.statecode, s.* from states s 
left join (select distinct statename, statecode  from sashelp.zipcode) z on upcase(s.state)=upcase(z.statename);

*==> Create a US State Map of Hexagons (United Polygons of America!)
     US tile map coordinates from Matt Chambers;
data StateGrid;
input statecode : $2. row column@@;
row=-row;       * Flip map's y-coordinates (FL at bottom, ME at top!);
row=.85*row;    * Tighten up line spacing;
AK 0 0.5 ME 0 11.5        
VT 1 10 NH 1 11        
WA 2 1.5 MT 2 2.5 ND 2 3.5 MN 2 4.5 WI 2 5.5 MI 2 7.5 NY 2 9.5 MA 2 10.5 RI 2 11.5 
ID 3 2 WY 3 3 SD 3 4 IA 3 5 IL 3 6 IN 3 7 OH 3 8 PA 3 9 NJ 3 10 CT 3 11
OR 4 1.5 NV 4 2.5 CO 4 3.5 NE 4 4.5 MO 4 5.5 KY 4 6.5 WV 4 7.5 MD 4 8.5 DE 4 9.5 
CA 5 2 AZ 5 3 UT 5 4 KS 5 5 AR 5 6 TN 5 7 VA 5 8 NC 5 9 DC 5 12 
NM 6 3.5 OK 6 4.5 LA 6 5.5 MS 6 6.5 AL 6 7.5 SC 6 8.5    
TX 7 4 GA 7 8        
HI 8 0.5 FL 8 8.5 
*==> Calc x, y points of hexagons for each state

data StatePolygons;
set StateGrid;
angle = 2 * constant("PI") / 6;
do i = 0 to 6;
  x = column + radius * sin(i * angle);
  y = row + radius * cos(i * angle);

*==> Merge map state hexagon coordinates and employer info, categorize as Walmart/Amazon/Other;

proc sql;
create table statesEmpl as 
select sp.*, employer, employees, 
       trim(employer)||' '||strip(put(employees,comma7.)) as employerEmployees, 
       case when employer='Walmart' then 2 when employer='Amazon' then 1 else 0 end as walmartamznother 
from StatePolygons sp, statescodes sc where sp.statecode=sc.statecode
order by, sp.i;

*==> Draw the Map - Polygon and Text Plots;

ods graphics / antialias width=14in height=9.5in;
proc template;
define statgraph ustemplate;
    layout overlayequated / border=false xaxisopts=(display=none) yaxisopts=(display=none) walldisplay=none;
      entry "The Largest Employer in Every State" / valign=top textattrs=(color=black size=24pt);
      polygonplot id=id x=x y=y / colorresponse=walmartamznother colormodel=(red green blue) fillattrs=(transparency=.5) dataskin=matte display=(FILL);
      textplot x=column y=row text=statecode / textattrs=(color=white size=32pt weight=bold);
      textplot x=column y=row text=employerEmployees / textattrs=(color=black size=8pt) splitchar=' ' splitpolicy=split;
      entry 'Source: "The Largest Employer in Every State", 24/7 Wall St., April 2021' / valign=bottom textattrs=(color=black);

proc sgrender data=statesEmpl template=ustemplate;
Pyrite | Level 9
Wow love this, just curious on the development of the code, like how did you start?
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Like many, I suppose, I get ideas from time misspent surfing the web, co-workers, and an occasional book. 😀 I recalled seeing more traditional maps people created in past years from the 24/7 Wall Street data, so thought I'd try to create a hexagon map for Labor Day using updated data. Here, it helped that I had some existing data scraping and hexagon map SAS code I could stitch together. Always easier to copy code than create it from scratch! 😀


Interesting. Thanks. It looks like the largest employer in many of the "other states" are either healthcare or education. It would be nice to use different colors for those groups.

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 tc
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10



Good idea! Combined this with another suggestion to provide a larger image (note: big image seems to be downscaled for SAS Communities - original file here).


*  Fun With SAS ODS Graphics, Labor Day Edition: The Largest Employer in Every State
   Data source: The Largest Employer in Every State;

*==> Scrape state info from HTML for pages 2-12 of 24/7 Wall St. story by Grant Suneson;
filename in url '' lrecl=1000;
data states;
length fvi state employer employeesx industry $ 255;
do pg=2 to 12;                                                    * Data starts on page 2 of 12;
  do while(not eof); 
    infile in url filevar=fvi end=eof;                            * Use file variable for URL (vary page from 2 to 12);
    input;                                                        * Grab state name?;
    i=index(_infile_,'<p><span class="title-bullet"><strong>');   
    if i>0 then do; 
      input;                                                      * Grab largest employer;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Largest employer:</strong>');
      input;                                                      * Grab # employees;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Employees:</strong>');
      employees=input(compress(employeesX,' ,'),15.);
      input;                                                      * Grab industry;
      i=index(_infile_,'<span class="value-bullet"><strong>> Industry:</strong>');
  eof=0;                                                          * Reset EOF for next file;
stop;                                                             * Stop after pages read;
proc sql;                                                         * Find 2-character state abbreviations;
create table statescodes as 
select z.statecode, s.* from states s 
left join (select distinct statename, statecode  from sashelp.zipcode) z on upcase(s.state)=upcase(z.statename);

*==> Create a US State Map of Hexagons (United Polygons of America!)
     US tile map coordinates from Matt Chambers;
data StateGrid;
input statecode : $2. row column@@;
row=-row;       * Flip map's y-coordinates (FL at bottom, ME at top!);
row=.85*row;    * Tighten up line spacing;
AK 0 0.5 ME 0 11.5        
VT 1 10 NH 1 11        
WA 2 1.5 MT 2 2.5 ND 2 3.5 MN 2 4.5 WI 2 5.5 MI 2 7.5 NY 2 9.5 MA 2 10.5 RI 2 11.5 
ID 3 2 WY 3 3 SD 3 4 IA 3 5 IL 3 6 IN 3 7 OH 3 8 PA 3 9 NJ 3 10 CT 3 11
OR 4 1.5 NV 4 2.5 CO 4 3.5 NE 4 4.5 MO 4 5.5 KY 4 6.5 WV 4 7.5 MD 4 8.5 DE 4 9.5 
CA 5 2 AZ 5 3 UT 5 4 KS 5 5 AR 5 6 TN 5 7 VA 5 8 NC 5 9 DC 5 12 
NM 6 3.5 OK 6 4.5 LA 6 5.5 MS 6 6.5 AL 6 7.5 SC 6 8.5    
TX 7 4 GA 7 8        
HI 8 0.5 FL 8 8.5 
*==> Calc x, y points of hexagons for each state

data StatePolygons;
set StateGrid;
angle = 2 * constant("PI") / 6;
do i = 0 to 6;
  x = column + radius * sin(i * angle);
  y = row + radius * cos(i * angle);

*==> Merge map state hexagon coordinates and employer info, categorize as Walmart/Amazon/Other;

proc sql;
create table statesEmpl as 
select sp.*, employer, employees, 
       trim(tranwrd(translate(employer,' ','-'),'New York City','NYC'))||' '||strip(put(employees,comma7.)) as employerEmployees, 
       case when employer='Walmart' then 4 when employer='Amazon' then 3  
            when industry='Education' then 2 when industry='Health care' then 1 else 0 end as employerColor 
from StatePolygons sp, statescodes sc where sp.statecode=sc.statecode
order by, sp.i;

*==> Draw the Map - Polygon and Text Plots;

ods listing image_dpi=200 gpath='~/';
ods graphics / reset antialias width=26in height=18in imagename='LaborDay';
proc template;
define statgraph ustemplate;
    layout overlayequated / border=false xaxisopts=(display=none) yaxisopts=(display=none) walldisplay=none;
      entry "The Largest Employer in Every State" / valign=top textattrs=(color=black size=48pt);
      polygonplot id=id x=x y=y / colorresponse=employerColor colormodel=(red deeppink green indigo blue) fillattrs=(transparency=.5) dataskin=matte display=(FILL);
      textplot x=column y=row text=statecode / textattrs=(color=white size=52pt weight=bold);
      textplot x=column y=row text=employerEmployees / textattrs=(color=black size=14pt) splitchar=' ' splitpolicy=split;
      entry 'Source: "The Largest Employer in Every State", 24/7 Wall St., April 2021' / valign=bottom textattrs=(size=16pt color=black);

proc sgrender data=statesEmpl template=ustemplate;


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