I understand fitplot is not an option with Proc Reg when you have a multi-variable model. But what do I do if I want to plot the fitted values vs the actual values? Is there any work around that provides a similar look/feel? I used the output function to create a new dataset with the predicted values and tried plotting those (see code below), but when I tried to plot the fitted (yhat) values as a series the line was erratic (see attached).
ods graphics on;
proc sgplot data = fitted_model;
scatter X =x1 Y=Y /markerattrs =(color = blue);
series X =x1 Y=yhat /lineattrs =(color = red);
If you want to show the linear relationship between x1 and Y then you should sort your data BEFORE doing the regression :
proc sort data=myData; by my01variable x1; run;
proc reg data=myData ...;
ods graphics on;
proc sgplot data = fitted_model;
scatter X =x1 Y=Y / markerattrs =(color = blue);
series X =x1 Y=yhat / group=my01variable lineattrs =(color = red);
where my01variable is the dummy variable that generates the two lines in the x1-Y relationship.
If you want actual by fitted (which is not a FITPLOT but a OBSERVEDBYPREDICTED plot), seems like you should be plotting
scatter X =Yhat Y=Y / markerattrs =(color = blue);
and no series.
If you want to show the linear relationship between x1 and Y then you should sort your data BEFORE doing the regression :
proc sort data=myData; by my01variable x1; run;
proc reg data=myData ...;
ods graphics on;
proc sgplot data = fitted_model;
scatter X =x1 Y=Y / markerattrs =(color = blue);
series X =x1 Y=yhat / group=my01variable lineattrs =(color = red);
where my01variable is the dummy variable that generates the two lines in the x1-Y relationship.
THANK YOU!!! Didn't realize I had to sort it...was driving me NUTS!!!!
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