I am trying to create a custom style that is based on JOURNAL3, but I am unable to reduce the weight of the crosshatch lines. In short, I want to apply crosshatch lines to one response value for a variable that has 6 values. I am using the following code to create the template and set up the attribution map data set to apply the crosshatch lines to the level defined by GRAPHDATA6. However, I do not know which style attribute controls the weight of the crosshatch lines that are part of this style. I have tried using TRANSPARENCY= but this has not made a difference in the output. Which attribute would I use in the line of the PROC TEMPLATE code that defines the style attributes for GRAPHDATA6?
proc template;
define style styles.BTRFLY;
parent = styles.journal3;
style GraphData1 from GraphData1 /
fillpattern = "solid";
style GraphData2 from GraphData2 /
fillpattern = "solid";
style GraphData3 from GraphData3 /
fillpattern = "solid";
style GraphData4 from GraphData4 /
fillpattern = "solid";
style GraphData5 from GraphData5 /
fillpattern = "solid";
style GraphData6 from GraphData6 /
/*run; */;
ods listing style=BTRFLY image_dpi=300 gpath="&path.\Figures\";
data attrmap;
length ID $ 8 Value $ 35 fillstyle $ 10;
infile datalines delimiter='|';
input ID Value fillstyle ;
response|Does not exist at school/district|GraphData6
response|1-2 times a year|GraphData4
response|3-6 times a year|GraphData3
response|1-2 times each month|GraphData2
response|Every week|GraphData1
Is this what you want?
data test;
do x=1 to 4;
do g=1 to 6;
proc template;
define style styles.btrfly;
style graphdata1 from graphdata1 / fillpattern="s";
style graphdata2 from graphdata2 / fillpattern="s";
style graphdata3 from graphdata3 / fillpattern="s";
style graphdata4 from graphdata4 / fillpattern="s";
style graphdata5 from graphdata5 / fillpattern="s";
style graphdata6 from graphdata6 / fillpattern="x1";
ods graphics / attrpriority=none;
ods html style=btrfly;
data attrmap;
retain id "myid";
input value $ fillstyle $;
1 GraphData1
2 GraphData2
3 GraphData3
4 GraphData4
5 GraphData5
6 GraphData6
proc sgplot data=test dattrmap=attrmap;
vbar x / response=y group=g fillpattern attrid=myid groupdisplay=cluster;
ods html close;
Not exactly--what I'm trying to find out is if there is an attribute that reduces the weight of the crosshatch lines. I am using datalabels within a horizontal stacked bar chart, so a fainter crosshatch would be nicer. Perhaps that cannot be done with STYLE-JOURNAL3.
To control the thickness of the fill pattern lines, you should do as @BrunoMueller described. Another option is to change the color from black to a lighter shade of gray. Given your use case, I would probably go towards the color approach.
Have a look at the doc here https://go.documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/grstatgraph/p0yjbi9rz0z03tn1arz9ia9tgvic.h...
You can choose the L1 to L5 R1 to R5 and X1 to X5
So you would use something like:
style GraphData6 from GraphData6 /
fillpattern = "R2";
Additionally you can look at an existing style definition using the following code. The EXPAND option will also print the parent style definitions.
proc template;
source styles.journal3 / expand ;
Circling back here to say that I figured out my problem: I needed to assign a light color in the DATACONTRASTCOLORS statement to put a white crosshatch on a gray bar. This way, the segment label is made visibile. Here is the segment of the SGPLOT code that I needed to change. Thank you for your suggestions.
styleattrs datacolors=( CX00354c CX004c6d CX6996b3 CXc1e7ff CXbbbbbb CXdddddd )
datacontrastcolors=(CXffffff CX004c6d CX6996b3 CXc1e7ff CXbbbbbb CXdddddd ); /*The white color in the first position changes the crosshatch*/
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