I want to create a graph using GTL (SAS 9.4) which completely uses CMYK pure process black color. I replaced (hopefully) all colors in my style definition with CMYK color black (CMYK000000FF) or white (CMYK00000000) and create my statgraph definitions. The figure as PDF file looks as expected, but looking into the color scheme, black is not presented as pure black (CMYK000000FF) but as a combination of RGB values (e.g., cyan 75%, magenta 68%, yallow 67%, process black 90%)..
Are thee any hints or ideas what's going wrong?
Here's my code (looks long because of all the color defintions):
%LET color=CMYK000000FF;
%**** Define the template;
%let __font = %str(Arial);
%let __fontsz = %str(8pt);
%let __fontsz2 = %str(6pt);
proc template;
define style cmfm;
style color_list
"Colors used in the listing style" /
'fgB2' = CMYK000000FF
'fgB1' = CMYK000000FF
'fgA4' = CMYK000000FF
'bgA4' = CMYK000000FF
'bgA3' = CMYK00000000
'fgA2' = CMYK000000FF
'bgA2' = CMYK000000FF
'fgA1' = CMYK000000FF
'bgA1' = CMYK000000FF
'fgA' = CMYK000000FF
'bgA' = CMYK00000000;
style GraphColors
"Abstract colors used in graph styles" /
'goffill' = CMYK000000FF
'gofill' = CMYK000000FF
'govbline' = CMYK000000FF
'gobline' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata12' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata12' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata11' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata11' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata10' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata10' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata9' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata9' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata8' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata8' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata7' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata7' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata6' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata6' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata5' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata5' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata4' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata4' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata3' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata3' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata2' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata2' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata1' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata1' = CMYK000000FF
'gncdata' = CMYK000000FF
'gndata' = CMYK000000FF
'gnclink' = CMYK000000FF
'gnlink' = CMYK000000FF
'gntext' = CMYK000000FF
'gblockheader' = CMYK000000FF
'gcphasebox' = CMYK000000FF
'gphasebox' = CMYK000000FF
'gczonec' = CMYK000000FF
'gzonec' = CMYK000000FF
'gczoneb' = CMYK000000FF
'gzoneb' = CMYK000000FF
'gzonea' = CMYK000000FF
'gcunder' = CMYK000000FF
'gunder' = CMYK000000FF
'gcover' = CMYK000000FF
'gover' = CMYK000000FF
'gcfinal' = CMYK000000FF
'gfinal' = CMYK000000FF
'gcinitial' = CMYK000000FF
'ginitial' = CMYK000000FF
'gcother' = CMYK000000FF
'gother' = CMYK000000FF
'gcmiss' = CMYK000000FF
'gmiss' = CMYK000000FF
'gablock' = CMYK000000FF
'gblock' = CMYK000000FF
'gcclipping' = CMYK000000FF
'gclipping' = CMYK000000FF
'gcstars' = CMYK000000FF
'gstars' = CMYK000000FF
'gcruntest' = CMYK000000FF
'gruntest' = CMYK000000FF
'gccontrollim' = CMYK000000FF
'gcontrollim' = CMYK000000FF
'gcerror' = CMYK000000FF
'gerror' = CMYK000000FF
'gcpredictlim' = CMYK000000FF
'gpredictlim' = CMYK000000FF
'gcpredict' = CMYK000000FF
'gpredict' = CMYK000000FF
'gcconfidence2' = CMYK000000FF
'gcconfidence' = CMYK000000FF
'gconfidence2' = CMYK000000FF
'gconfidence' = CMYK000000FF
'gcfit2' = CMYK000000FF
'gcfit' = CMYK000000FF
'gfit2' = CMYK000000FF
'gfit' = CMYK000000FF
'gcoutlier' = CMYK000000FF
'goutlier' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata' = CMYK000000FF
'greferencelines' = CMYK000000FF
'gheader' = colors('docbg')
'gconramp3cend' = CMYK000000FF
'gconramp3cneutral' = CMYK00000000
'gconramp3cstart' = CMYK000000FF
'gramp3cend' = CMYK000000FF
'gramp3cneutral' = CMYK000000FF
'gramp3cstart' = CMYK000000FF
'gconramp2cend' = CMYK000000FF
'gconramp2cstart' = CMYK000000FF
'gramp2cend' = CMYK000000FF
'gramp2cstart' = CMYK000000FF
'gtext' = CMYK000000FF
'glabel' = CMYK000000FF
'gborderlines' = CMYK000000FF
'goutlines' = CMYK000000FF
'ggrid' = CMYK000000FF
'gaxis' = CMYK000000FF
'gshadow' = CMYK000000FF
'glegend' = CMYK00000000
'gfloor' = CMYK00000000
'gwalls' = CMYK00000000
'gcdata12' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata11' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata10' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata9' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata8' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata6' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata7' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata4' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata5' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata3' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata2' = CMYK000000FF
'gcdata1' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata12' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata11' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata10' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata9' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata8' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata6' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata7' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata4' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata5' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata3' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata2' = CMYK000000FF
'gdata1' = CMYK000000FF;
style GraphAxisLines / ContrastColor=&color;
style GraphData1 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=1 markersymbol = "Circle";
style GraphData2 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=4 markersymbol = "Square";
style GraphData3 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=2 markersymbol = "Diamond";
style GraphData4 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=1 markersymbol = "CircleFilled";
style GraphData5 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=4 markersymbol = "SquareFilled";
style GraphData6 / ContrastColor=&color Linestyle=2 markersymbol = "DiamondFilled";
proc template;
define statgraph Graphics.timechange_a;
dynamic _title1 _title2 _title3 _footnote1 _footnote2 _footnote3
_xvar _xlabel _yvar1 _ylabel _group
_displayopt ;
mvar __nullrep;
begingraph / border=0 ;
/* layout lattice ;*/
/* Graph layout declaration */
layout overlay / pad=0 border = false walldisplay = none
xaxisopts = (
label = ( "Week" )
labelattrs = (color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font")
tickvalueattrs = (color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font")
offsetmin = 0.05
offsetmax = 0.05
linearopts = (tickvaluesequence=(start=0 end=24 increment=6))
display = _displayopt
yaxisopts = (
label = ( "Adjusted* Mean A1C (%) Change from Baseline")
labelattrs = (color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font")
tickvalueattrs = (color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font")
offsetmin = 0.05
offsetmax = 0.05
linearopts = (tickvaluesequence=(start=-2.5 end=1.5 increment=0.5) tickvalueformat=4.1 viewmin=-2.0 viewmax=0.5)
display = _displayopt )
opaque = false ;
/* line - stepped */
seriesplot x=_xvar y=_yvar1 / connectorder = xvalues display = all
lineattrs=(thickness=1px) group=_group name="seriesA";
discretelegend "seriesA" /
valueattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size= 10pt family="&__font")
halign=left valign=bottom
/* Add titles and footnotes */
entryfootnote halign=left textattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font") _footnote1 / textfitpolicy=wrap;
entryfootnote halign=left textattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font") _footnote2 / textfitpolicy=wrap;
entryfootnote halign=left textattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font") _title1 / textfitpolicy=wrap pad=(top=3px);
entryfootnote halign=left textattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font") _title2 / textfitpolicy=wrap;
entryfootnote halign=right textattrs=(color=&color weight=normal size=&__fontsz family="&__font") _footnote3 / textfitpolicy=wrap;
ODS LISTING STYLE=cmfm image_dpi=300 GPATH="\\client\C$\temp\test" ;
/* Produce graph */
proc sgrender data=inplot
objectlabel="Time plot";
_title1 =" "
_title2 =" "
_footnote1 = ""
_footnote2 = "*Variables used in adjustment: Baseline A1C and prior use of OADs"
_footnote3 = " "
_xvar = "tptno"
_yvar1 = "estimate"
_group = "atrsort"
format atrsort $_trt1v.;
I'm interested in this answer as well as my issue seems similar. We are writing out PDF files to send to a professional printer using CMYK and the professional printer is indicating it is coming to them as RGB.
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