Hi @BabarS, AML 7.1 related alerts are usually investigated by compliance Analysts / Investigators, not by Branch Managers, Operation manager or relationship managers. However, Compliance Analysts / Investigators can reach out to Branch Managers / Relationship Managers for any clarification / information required.
Compliance Analysts / Investigator reach out to Branch/RM for additional information through outlook / emails (i.e. outside SAS AML system), Investigator reaching out to Branch/RM for additional information is outside SAS AML system. There is no Work Flow available in SAS AML system to reach out to Branch/RM.
So, there is no nothing to talk about TAT regarding reaching out to Branch/RM for additional information as there is no such functionality available.
There is number of days shown on Entity Alerts / Triage Screen, it will reflect age for oldest alert. Compliance Analysts / Investigator can use this if want to ensure some TAT, there can be custom functionality built for notification purposes.
Hope this clarifies you doubt, feel free to comment in case of any further queries.