We are trying to generate 4 reports thru a single stored process.
In this stored process , we are planning to give 2 dropdown menus to user
and the values/parameters of 2nd box should vary based on value selected
in first box. Based on the state and country the stored process will
generate the Report.
e.g. first input field will be Country .
if End user selects US from the dropdown menu then based on that
input the second menu should give States corresponding to US only so that
user can select ( like drop down menu will contain CA,AZ,TX etc. )and then
report for that perticular state should be generated thru stored process
If End user selects INDIA from first dropdown menu then based on
that input the second menu should give states correponding to India only
that user can select and generate the report for that state.
Can we deploy this thru use of Stored process? if yes it would be
appreciable if you can tell us how can we do that?