Hi all.
We are facing the following item on a project based on web reporting (kpi, dashboard, web application and customized reports).
At the moment the reports published with WebReportStudio on SAS Portal are matching the target of the client about well-defined needs , but often the customer ask to deepen his research by browsing until the minimum detail (i.e. individual code, single wage slip voice, etc.). We use SAS 9.1.3 (ongoing the migration to 9.2).
Which approach could be better?
1. Stored Processes
2. SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS STP could be used to create an extracting engine , directly connected to DataWarehouse, to make selection on several attributes: the user set serie's parameters ad get the detail's rows from the data mart which he's connected to, or an aggregated detail.
The SAS STP could be create also by EG or be called inside a SAS WRS prospect.
SAS EG seems to be a powerful device oriented to advanced users, able to interact with data mart and to create analytical re-usable projects.
Actually the customer needs are:
1. a device to extract data by providing or setting parameters (in a guided way, wizard-like)
2. a device to drill down the report until the minimum detail
a) for the 1-need , EG is the suggestable solution?
b) for the 2-need , until which detail WRS is the suitable solution? Is the functionality drill-through available on WRS? Are there significant difference in term of SAS stored processes performance improvement between SAS.9.1.3 and 9.2?
Just ask in case clarifications are needed.
Thanks in advance