I am trying to figure out how to use a Stored process as a datasource for my Dashboard 4.3. I am publishing the output of the sas dataset to a package.
So far my Stp code looks like this.
%let _ARCHIVE_PATH = /Temp/;
%let _ARCHIVE_NAME = results;
data _null_;
rc = 0;
pid = 0;
desc = "";
call package_begin(pid, desc, nameV, rc);
%checkrc(Package init);
call insert_dataset(pid, "WORK", "MyData", "My Details",
'', rc);
%checkrc(Package data set);
length fullpath $4096;
call package_publish(pid, "TO_ARCHIVE", rc,
"archive_path, archive_name, archive_fullpath",
"&_ARCHIVE_PATH", "&_ARCHIVE_NAME", fullpath);
%checkrc(Package publish);
call symput('_ARCHIVE_FULLPATH', fullpath);
call package_end(pid, rc);
%checkrc(Package term);
I am succesful in publishing the output of the STP as an spk file(I guess it is succesful since a .spk file is being generated) in the 😧 Drive, however when i select the stored process as the Datasource it is giving me a message "The Selected Stored Process Does not create any data sets".