In your CSS file, that particular form of the color specification is a straight HTML color specification, in hexadecimal numbers. The 1st 2 characters are a percent of RED, the next 2 characters are a percent of GREEN and the next 2 characters are a percent of BLUE. The thing is that 00, 33 and 99 are HEX numbers.
#FF0000 = FF=256 or 100% of RED, 0% green , 0% blue
#00FF00 = 0% RED, 100% GREEN, 0% BLUE
#003399 = 0% RED, approx 20% GREEN, approx 60% blue or sort of dark blue
etc, etc
If you go to an HTML color picker, (such as this one)
you will see the 216 non-dithering colors. There are other color pickers on the web, you just have to search for them.
The Tech Support site has a SAS program that will generate this list for you:
http://support.sas.com/techsup/technote/ts688/ts688.html (but it also shows you the result of running the program)