Alright, after little bit more reading and giving a closer look, I found the solution to the error. The problem is that the XML I'm sending in does not exactly match the format of the XML specified in the article. As you can see in my previous post, my input XML has a root node and bunch of child elements, where the root node is the name of the table and the child elements are the columns.
But it doesn't look like its enough - which means, there should be a root node for "dataset" name in the XML which contains multiple table nodes. So in summary, I think the format of the XML that's sending into the stream for stored process should be -
... (like this you can add multiple tables)
Once I added a root node to my XML, it started working as expected, which means the stored process was able to find the dataset WEBSVC.ICOM where ICOM my table name.
There's one more catch here - It worked first time and the second time it threw an error - "Invalid Logical Name". This was happening at the time of assigning FileRef with the name "WEBSVC". This is because the FileRef was assigned earlier is not currently available. So, this means once the sproc execution is done, we should release it for the next guy in the queue.
Once I used DeassignFileRef(...) and DeassignLibRef(..) methods on FileService and DataService respectively, the "invalid logical name" error went away.
I really hoped these important catches were explained well in the documentation. But I thought I would share it incase anyone else runs into this.