The footnote statement supports the LINK= option, that tells ODS how to build a hyperlink in your footnote. For example, if you did this:
footnote link='http://www.setgame.com' "Play SetGame";
Then a hyperlink/anchor tag would be built in the resulting HTML by ODS, if you used an HTML based destination to create your output.
But, you could ALSO "hard-code" an HTML form into your ODS output using the POSTHTML style attribute and put a button at the bottom of your report, as described here:
In either case, however, you're not done yet. In order to either use LINK= or code your FORM ACTION, you have to know how to invoke a stored process via URL using the Stored Process Web Application. If you use the button method and choose to use JavaScript, then you also have to worry about whether scripts are enabled for the browsers.
Generally, an anchor tag to invoke a stored process looks -something- like this:
<a target="new" href="http://your.midtier.server:8080/SASStoredProcess/do?_program=/STP_Orion/MyReport">
Run the Shoe Report</a>
Of course, in order to run a stored process via URL, you have to know the name of your midtier server and the port number that you are supposed to use. You have to know the metadata name for the _PROGRAM parameter and you have to know whether the stored process expects any other name/value pairs as parameters.
One issue that you have to deal with is the fact that once you put such a button or a footnote at the bottom of your output, you run the risk of having a stored process that will only work in one or two of the client applications (such as the Portal or EG). It's entirely possible that client applications like Excel or PowerPoint or Web Report Studio might not respect or treat your URL link correctly.
Another approach would be to design a stored process where the type of report desired (HTML or PDF) could be one of the parameters that the user chose. Then, you would need to code in your stored process the destination that corresponded to their choice. To override the default destination for the portal (which is HTML), you can specify an override to the automatic parameter &_ODSDEST -- inside the stored process and before your %stpbegin:
%global usrchoice;
%let _odsdest = &usrchoice;
. . .more code . . .
The stored process documentation and the Stored Process Web Application sample programs have some examples of using forms and invoking stored processes via URL. With the above stored process, you still run the risk of having a stored process that could not execute in PowerPoint or Web Report Studio (since neither of them can handle PDF as a result type), but it may be a more straightforward approach, then making the report contain a hyperlink in the footnote (which you will have to remove when you generate the PDF results).