SAS/IntrNet is a great tool for generating web report dynamically. I love htmSQL (a component of SAS/IntrNet) for its ability to go out to SAS data and query a list of regions, for example, and then build an HTML form dynamically that shows the list of regions for the user to pick from and the the <FORM> ACTION= is the name of the Application Dispatcher program that you want to run when they finish making selections on the form. Totally cool. But SAS/IntrNet, however cool, is older "CGI" (Common Gateway Interface" technology.
The closest componenet to SAS/IntrNet in the BI platform is the Stored Process Web Application. The SAS Stored Process owes a lot to the concept of the SAS/IntrNet Application Dispatcher program. With an Application Dispatcher program, the program lived in a special location, registered to the Dispatcher and you invoked the program via URL. This is very similar to how the SPWA works with a stored process. The difference, of course, is the fact that the SPWA and stored processes work with the BI Platform Metadata Server and SAS/IntrNet technology pre-dated the whole concept of metadata and the metadata server and the Business Intelligence Platform.
In the BI Platform, the SPWA is only one component of the Platform -- it allows users to design their own HTML and their own web pages and/or integrate stored process output into existing web sites or web server structures. Your web server could use JavaScript or PHP or .NET or Java servlets and you could still invoke a stored process using the SPWA -- because you use a URL (such as that shown in the <IMG> (shown in my other posting) tag to kick off the stored process. Another example of an <A> tag that would kick off a stored process is:
<A target="new" href="http://localhost:9090/SASStoredProcess/do?_program=/STP_Orion/Reports/myprogram">
Click here to run program
This <A> tag could be worked into just about ANY web page or web site -- and assuming that all the other web infrastructure was in place, when the user clicked on the link, the request would go to the SPWA and the stored process would execute and results would get streamed back to the requesting browser.
Compare the above URL to a SAS/IntrNet URL for dynamically submitting a SAS program:
<A href="/cgi-bin/broker.exe?_debug=2&_program=web1samp.myprogram.sas&_service=appserv">
Click here to run program
As you can see, there are a lot of similarities between SAS/IntrNet programs and SAS Stored Processes, as far as how you invoke them via URL -- but all the infrastructure is different. The advantages of stored process over SAS/IntrNet programs (in my opionion) are:
1) Metadata: Metadata with stored process defines security, tables, type of access as well as having a central repository in the metadata where the stored process parameters are defined
2) Servers (and reusability): SAS/IntrNet programs can only be executed via the "broker" program installed on a web server, whereas stored processes (depending on how you write them) can be executed from many of the client applications in the BI Platform and from more than one type of server used by the Platform configuration. So someone sitting at a web browser and someone sitting at a Windows/Microsoft Word application could both request the same stored process to run; whereas, with SAS/IntrNet programs -- they were only requested from a URL coded in an HTML page.
3) Parameters: The ability to define stored process parameters in the metadata and to have the automatic prompting interface for the stored process parameters is WAY better than using parameters with SAS/IntrNet programs. With IntrNet programs, the developer had to just know what the required parameters were and had to code for them in an HTML form or a hidden form items -- very do-able, but required knowledge of HTML and building URLs, etc that is not required to define or use stored process parameters.
Of course, if you write a stored process that builds a custom form, using streaming output -- then that stored process will not run on client apps like PowerPoint or Web Report Studio - -but one of the reasons that folks moved to the BI Platform was the ability to create 1 stored process that would run on multiple client applications and where the authorization to control who could run the stored process and who could access the data - -was all defined in a central metadata repository -- and where the parameters used with the stored process were defined in the metadata.
You can also write your own custom web services, as described here:
http://support.sas.com/rnd/itech/doc9/dev_guide/websrvcs/index.html and
Again, there are some samples posted on the above sites and you can always work with Tech Support for more help once you have decided on a direction (custom BI Web Services, SPWA, SAS/IntrNet).