This is not a stored process question.
Generally speaking, if you have a library of SAS Autocall macro programs (let's say you had some macro programs for daily versus weekly processing...then you might have a SAS program with code like this:
%macro myjob;
%if (condition for daily processing) %then %do;
%else %if (condition for weekly processing) %then %do;
%mend myjob;
The macro program does not define the %DAILY or the %WEEKLY macro programs, it just calls them from the autocall macro location on your BI server.
Or, if you have the job scheduler set up and implemented in your configuration, there are ways to submit multiple jobs and define job dependencies.
Again, the best resource for your questions is the Platform Administration or Job Scheduler documentation and/or the Data Integration Studio class or the Data Integration Fast Track class or consulting Tech Support.