Hi Experts,
After reading this blog, I have successfully promote my data from the disk or other Database . I have configured the connection between Viya and remote LASR server on SAS Environment Manager and It works fine if I promote the LASR table using SAS Environment Manager . Now i'm trying to promote LASR table to CAS library with sas code and schedule it to update data daily.
Does anyone know how to do promote remote LASR table to CAS using sas code?
Many Thanks,
Hi @alexal,
Thanks for the reply.
I have tried the code you mentioned before , but still failed to promote the table to global level. Below is the issue I'm trying to solve.
cas mySession2 sessopts=(caslib=casuser timeout=1800 locale="en_US");
caslib _all_ assign;
proc cas;
table.promote /
I would like to review an output from the following piece of code:
proc contents data=valasr2._all_ nods; run;
Hi @alexal,
Here is the result. I found the scope status showed "global" on the table which was promoted in sas environment manager. I'm curious about why table called "VA_SAMPLE_TELCO03" (which was loaded in LASR Server) didn't show in the scope status result and I want to promote that table thru SAS code. The reason I want to using sas code to promote LASR table is that I would like to scheduled it thru crontab job on viya server to keep the data up-to-date.
If you are OK using PROC CAS and CASL, then check the output of the table.fileInfo action.
proc cas; table.fileInfo / caslib="valasr2"; quit;
That should list the tables that are in-memory on your LASR server. Those are the candidates to transfer into CAS with the table.loadTable action. This might do it, assuming you find VA_SAMPLE_TELCO03 in the results of the fileInfo action.
proc cas; table.loadTable / file="VA_SAMPLE_TELCO03" caslib="valasr2" /* I assume you want to rename the table to LASR_TEST2... */ casOut={name="lasr_test2" caslib="public"}; run;
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