I have made a stored process within an Enterprise Guide project. This project exists of a couple of program-entries.
In the Metadata we have declared a library. In EG we use the meta-table-objects to link to the program-entries, so if we create a stored process the LIB-ID will be stored within the stored process.
This works.
Now we want to promote the stored process to another environment (production-server). In this environment the same library is also declared via the Metadata, but with a different LIB-ID.
We have promoted the stored process via the Management Console: export in the development-environment and import in the production-environment.
What we see, is that the LIB-ID, after import, is still the same as from the development-environment. So, this will not work on the new environment.
What can we do, besides manually change the ID in the stp-program, to make this change automatically?