SAS always knows what machine (server) it's running on. But capturing client-side information and sending it to the server, so the server can use it and send something back?? That's a bit trickier, since SAS may not be running on the CLIENT side. So, I don't expect SAS to be able to capture information about a machine on which it's not running.
If there is a client application (like PowerPoint) that is requesting a stored process to run, then the question becomes -- does PowerPoint (or any client app) have a way to grab or identify the client IP address or client machine network name WITHOUT SAS being involved?? If they don't have a way to grab that information without SAS being involved or without a VB script being involved, then it's hard to see how the client app could send that information to SAS on the server.
I always think of getting a machine name or IP address as something that is unique to each operating system and each operating system's environment variables. That's why Web applications DO have a way to send the IP address of the remote host and the remote user, because the communication between the web client and the web server need that information.
If you made your stored process return a permanent package result, then you can indicate a place on the server file system for the package to live (that's one of the options when you create a permanent package). It seems to me that sending an email with the server location of their report "package" would be a viable alternative to e-mailing a large file or FTP-ing a large file. If the email guys aren't happy about emailing a large file, do you think the network guys would be any happier about FTP-ing large files?