I created one stored process which will dynamically generate the HTML page to fullfill dynamic parameter requirement.When I executed the stored process thru SAS Information Delivery portal , it has given me desired results.
Later on when I tried to create an application using same stored process , it is giving below mentioned error message when I tried to use the application thru SAS Information Delivery portal.
Error Message :
Stored Process Error
Error setting stored process parameters.
I was wondering why it is giving such error for application and URL display portlets case and executing successfully when I just tried to execute the stored process thru SAS portal.
Any help will be appreciated.
Amol Deshmukh
The actual code for the stored process would be like this :
Name: drill_parms_stp_onclick.sas
Purpose: Provide an example of drilling down
within an HTML file.
The second selection values are dependant on
the first selection value.
data class2;
set sashelp.class;
if _n_ < 7 then race=1;
else if _n_ < 14 then race=2;
else race=3;
%macro main;
%global reqtype request age race ;
%macro first;
/* This is the first request. List age groups */
proc summary data=work.class2;
class age;
output out=means1;
data _null_;
set means1 end=alldone;
file _webout;
if _n_ = 1 then do;
thissrv = symget('_url');
thispgm = symget('_program');
put '
put '
Selection Example
put 'Second Selection is dependant on First
put '';
%mend first;
%macro report;
/* User requested a report */
%let where_clause=%str(1=1);
%if "&race" ne "" %then %do;
%let where_clause = &where_clause and %str(race = &race);
%if "&age" ne "" and "&age" ne " " %then %do;
%let where_clause = &where_clause and %str(age = &age);
ods html close;
ods html body=_webout;
Title "Students who are race &race and age &age ";
proc print data = work.class2 noobs;
where &where_clause;
var name age sex race;
ods html close;
data temp;
set work.class2;
where &where_clause;
data _null_;
if obscount=0 then do;
file _webout;
put "No entries were found for this selection
put "race =&race and age = &age
set temp nobs=obscount;
%mend report;
%if "&reqtype" = "report" %then %do;
/* Produce a report */
%else %do;
/* Produce summary */
%mend main;