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Super Users and Proc Stars to the rescue
Community Manager

Each year we anoint a batch of community members into our Super User and Proc Star programs. Not familiar with these programs? Check out the detailed articles for each: Super User, Proc Star.


These outstanding community members were responsible for nearly 89% of all replies last year and 82% of all accepted solutions! What? You read that right! That’s a busy group of folks.


So that means if you posted a question, you likely had one of our Supers Users (past or present) or Proc Stars help you out. Let’s give them a virtual round of applause for all the expertise they share.




Admittedly, it’s hard to become a Super User. That’s why there have only been 23 unique Super Users since 2016…it’s an elite group to be sure. However, we review member data and are always on the lookout for new members to the Proc Star program. Three of those Proc Stars have moved up in rank to Super User…so there can definitely be a path to stardom there! 😊


I hope to see some new names added to our Proc Star program in future years. Keep posting, providing accepted solutions and generally being helpful. You might find your name in lights one day.