Hi Reeza, thank you for bringing this up!
I went through the scenario you described and was surprised that I wasn't prompted to login. I think ideally you should be prompted to login ( I agree this is not very clear when logged out when you click Reply)..
I think the same thing should happen when someone clicks "Post a Question" when not logged in.
I'm going to open a ticket with our vendor to see if we can do anything to make that happend. Then, you would not need to search for the login button.
To see what I'm trying to create, try "Like" a post like this https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Enterprise-Guide/How-to-write-this-proc-to-a-table/m-p/238588#U23... while not logged in.. you will see that it opens the login window.. I'll try to find out if this can be done when you hit Reply or Post Message.
thank you, Reeza!