I am trying to install ansible2.2.1 on redhat7 and receiving error as: error in cryptography setup command: Invalid environment marker: python_version < '3'
SAS requires Ansible version 2.2.1.x or later. Do not use Ansible 2.2.2. The Ansible controller machine must be connected to the Red Hat Network.
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Ansible server requires a Server-Optional subscription in addition to the Base (operating-system) subscription. The managed nodes must also be registered to the Red Hat Network, but a Base subscription is sufficient.
The Ansible controller requires Python 2.6 or 2.7. Any nodes that you plan to manage with Ansible require Python 2.4 or a later release. If you are running Python 2.4 or an earlier release on the managed nodes, the python-simplejson encoder for JSON is required. The Ansible controller also requires the following Python modules, which are provided by the Extra Package for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) if the machine is registered:
Thanks for your reply Alex!!
I am not able to install ansible using python pip, what if I install it using yum package manager, is there any difference in between both
methods. please suggest any other alternative to do the same.
We have python 2.7 preinstalled on RHEL7+
I subscribe to what Paul said and recommended, same experiences.
However, I am interested: why are you unable to install the recommended Ansible versions with pip?
because, when I am trying to install ansible2.2.1 on redhat7, I am receiving error as: error in cryptography setup command: Invalid environment marker: python_version < '3'
I have SAS Viya 3.2 installed on RHEL 7.4 using Python 2.7.5 and Ansible 2.4.0 where Ansible was installed simply via yum. An earlier yum update had pushed my Ansible version from 2.3 to 2.4 and the playbook complained about it being 2.4. I noticed that vars.yml had MAXIMUM_RECOMMENDED_ANSIBLE_VERSION: 2.3 so I changed it to 2.4 to see if it worked. Ansible 2.4 worked for me for this deployment but given the vars.yml had a max of 2.3 I do not know if 2.4 is supported/recommended by SAS.
How can you install Ansible using two package managers python 2.7.5 and yum (as you mentioned: I have SAS Viya 3.2 installed on RHEL 7.4 using Python 2.7.5 and Ansible 2.4.0 where Ansible was installed simply via yum)
By having different virtual environments.
# sudo -H pip install ansible== if you don't need virtualenv # virtualenv sudo -H pip uninstall virtualenv sudo -H pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper sudo -H pip install virtualenv sudo -H pip install virtualenvwrapper --ignore-installed six sudo -H pip install httplib2 mkdir ~/.virtualenvs mkdir ~/ansible_virtualenvs # profile path echo "source "$(which virtualenvwrapper.sh) >> ~/.profile echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile # install and configuration virtualenvs profiles cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir 1.9.4 cd 1.9.4 mkvirtualenv ansible-1.9.4 pip install ansible==1.9.4 ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir 1.9.5 cd 1.9.5 mkvirtualenv ansible-1.9.5 pip install ansible==1.9.5 ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir 1.9.6 cd 1.9.6 mkvirtualenv ansible-1.9.6 pip install ansible==1.9.6 ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate cd ~/ansible_virtualenvs mkdir cd mkvirtualenv ansible- pip install ansible== ansible --version deactivate
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