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Fluorite | Level 6

I have saspy (3.6.5) installed in JupyterLabs connecting to a remote instance of SAS via SSH.

Now the weird thing is that when I start python from the command line, it connects and establishes a session with my SAS instance, however when I try from a jupyter notebook it won't connect.

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 21.50.53.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 21.55.12.png

When I copy the ssh command that is presented in the Jupyter output it connects, but when I try to run it in a cell, it just hangs until I terminate it.


Anyone have any ideas?


Other potentially relevant information:

JupyterLab v 2.1.3

Python 3.7.6

SAS 9.4 M6 running under Centos 7

JupyterLab running in a docker container under Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS


thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions
Fluorite | Level 6


Turns out that in my docker image (that I did not build), jupyter was running as a different user.

Once I copied the public keys over to the correct directory, it all works now.


Thanks to all those who chimed in to help.


View solution in original post

I was able to get around this by setting up passwordless ssh between my container and the remote host:
In container, run ssh-keygen
Copy contents of .ssh/ in container and add them to .ssh/authorized_keys on remote host.
In your host statement, specify the connecting user (i.e.
Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer
Fluorite | Level 6

I have passwordless ssh set up between the container and the vm, and it does connect.


SAS Employee

Hey, my first thought on this is that wherever Jupyter is running, or what id it's running as, isn't the same as where this works when you run from a command line. Passwordless ssh isn't set up the same where Jupyter is running, as in your command line example. I do see you said the following: 

JupyterLab running in a docker container under Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

So, that makes me think this is the issue. Can you verify that from the command line, inside that container, as the user that the jupyter process is running as, can ssh to the remote machine using that command line which works form your terminal? 

Fluorite | Level 6

The command line is inside the docker container, running as the same user as jupyter.


SAS Employee

And there's no prompting, like for the machine to be added to the known_hosts file or anything?

Can you  run python in the container, same as jupyter, but from the command line and try to connect w/ saspy? If you can ssh, w/out prompting for anything, then saspy should work, if you're configuration is the same. 

Fluorite | Level 6

No prompting. The screen shot of the command line connection in the OP is from the cli inside the container.

That's what has me stumped. It works from python at the cli but not from the notebook.


SAS Employee

ok. Using the same user that jupyter is running? And what about current directory, is there something that could be picked up out of your current dir, running from the command line when it works, that maybe isn't there in the jupyter case? Are you using python environments, and maybe you're not using the same one in both cases?

What's different? It sounds like you're saying your running from the same machine, as the same user, w/ the same python environment with the same pw/less ssh setup, and it works one way but not the other. So, something is different between the two environments. But I can't look, so I'm just kinda guessing. 

Fluorite | Level 6

I appreciate your help.


Same environment, same user, not using virtual environments (unless python is using one without me knowing).

The notebook is connecting to the SAS compute instance, as when I hit the stop button I'm forced to terminate the sas session, it's just not getting the process id like the cli version.


SAS Employee

ok, gotcha. Still, somethings different. If you'd like, I can set up a teams meeting with you this afternoon, If you can share your screen, maybe I can see something that's causing the difference, or we can debug it some and see what we turns up.


Fluorite | Level 6

Thanks for the offer.

Would you have time on Tuesday for the teams call (i'm on pacific time), I'm tied up the rest of the day and on Monday.

SAS Employee

Sure, no problem. Send me an email,, and I'll set up a meeting invite. I'm EST, so let me know what time works for you and I'll set it up.




Fluorite | Level 6


Turns out that in my docker image (that I did not build), jupyter was running as a different user.

Once I copied the public keys over to the correct directory, it all works now.


Thanks to all those who chimed in to help.


Quartz | Level 8
import saspy
import pandas as pd
sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal')
w_class = sas.sasdata("CLASS","SASHELP")
We failed in getConnection
The application could not log on to the server "localhost:0". Integrated Windows authentication failed.
SAS process has terminated unexpectedly. RC from wait was: 4294967290
SAS Connection failed. No connection established. Double check your settings in file.

Attempted to run program C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment\9.4\jre\bin\java.exe with the following parameters:['C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment\\9.4\\jre\\bin\\java.exe', '-classpath', 'C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\sas.svc.connection.jar;C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\log4j.jar;C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\;C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\sas.core.jar;C:\\Users\\Pradip.Muhuri\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\saspy\\java\\saspyiom.jar', 'pyiom.saspy2j', '-host', 'localhost', '-stdinport', '52557', '-stdoutport', '52558', '-stderrport', '52559', '-zero', '-lrecl', '1048576', '']

Be sure the path to sspiauth.dll is in your System PATH

No SAS process attached. SAS process has terminated unexpectedly.
Invalid response from SAS on inital submission. printing the SASLOG as diagnostic

 Issue: Our IT staff has added the path to sspiauth.dll in the System PATH. I don't know why I am getting the above error in this laptop, although saspy and SAS  in Juputer Lab  work fine in my other laptop. 


Any help toward resolving the issue would be appreciated.  Thanks,


Below is some background information.


 %put &sysvlong;
 %put &sysscpl;
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\products\privatejre__99572__wx6__xx__sp0__1\bin\java.exe
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment\9.4\jre\bin\java.exe

Name: saspy Version: 4.3.2
Name: SAS-kernel Version: 2.4.10
Python 3.9.12
#Content of
SAS_config_names=['winlocal'] SAS_config_options = {'lock_down': False, 'verbose' : True } SAS_output_options = {'output' : 'html5'} # Configuration Definitions default = {'saspath' : '/opt/sasinside/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/bin/sas_u8' } ssh = {'saspath' : '/opt/sasinside/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/bin/sas_en', 'ssh' : '/usr/bin/ssh', 'host' : '', 'encoding': 'latin1', 'options' : ["-fullstimer"] } # build out a local classpath variable to use below for Windows clients CHANGE THE PATHS TO BE CORRECT FOR YOUR INSTALLATION cpW = "C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\sas.svc.connection.jar" cpW += ";C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\log4j.jar" cpW += ";C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\" cpW += ";C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASDeploymentManager\\9.4\\products\\deploywiz__94518__prt__xx__sp0__1\\deploywiz\\sas.core.jar" cpW += ";C:\\Users\\Pradip.Muhuri\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\saspy\\java\\saspyiom.jar"
winlocal = {'java' : 'C:\\Program Files\\SASHome\\SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment\\9.4\\jre\\bin\\java.exe', 'encoding' : 'windows-1252', 'classpath' : cpW } winiomlinux = {'java' : 'java', 'iomhost' : '', 'iomport' : 8591, 'encoding' : 'latin1', 'classpath' : cpW } winiomwin = {'java' : 'java', 'iomhost' : '', 'iomport' : 8591, 'encoding' : 'windows-1252', 'classpath' : cpW } winiomIWA = {'java' : 'java', 'iomhost' : '', 'iomport' : 8591, 'encoding' : 'windows-1252', 'classpath' : cpW, 'sspi' : True }




This topic is solved, so you may want to create a new topic. This SAS Note discusses a similar error (The application could not log on to the server "localhost:0". Integrated Windows authentication failed.) in Enterprise Miner.

Problem Note 55227: SAS® Enterprise Miner(tm) Workstation displays the error "The application could not log on to the server "localhost:0" when you create a project
Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer

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