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Quartz | Level 8


After changed servers host-name. then we did run the SAS deployment manger to

 Update Host Name References.

and the wizard completed successfully. we tried to start SAS services but the SASServer1_1 take long time with out start up. no error on the SASServer1 logs but it still on SASWorkflowWebServices.xml with out any change as attached file shown.


we noted the SASContentServer9.4 log size is larg and the below line repeated with the new (1,2.... 323655, ...)


2018-11-29 20:08:03,248 [localhost-startStop-2] INFO  org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster.ClusterNode - Processing revision: 323655


also the below error on the log SASPortal4.4.log 

2018-11-29 19:57:06,359 [Thread-366] WARN  [unknownunknown] - Have received 20 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.


also the below error on the log SASWIPServices9.4.log

2018-11-29 19:51:43,224 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO [unknown] - Using pre-existing environment properties bean named 'environmentProperties'
2018-11-29 20:01:07,010 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#1685b1ca-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 20 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.



also the below error on the log SASBIPortlets4.4.log

2018-11-29 19:51:37,331 [Thread-66] WARN [unknownunknown] - Have received 20 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
2018-11-29 19:51:37,980 [Thread-67] WARN [unknownunknown] - Have received 20 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.



SAS Employee

Hi, I would suggest raising this one with SAS Technical Support. Those WARN messages do not necessarily indicate a problem with those components, but just that they are waiting for something. Do all other services in the environment start OK? Are all the other logs free of errors? 

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Quartz | Level 8

the SASServer1_1 startup successfully after 2 hours.

now it start up normally after 10 M. i did not know why the first time take log time

Obsidian | Level 7
Hi @Kurt_Bremser,

Could you please explain a bit more about tomcat expanding webapps to/from the staging area. We have been getting the same problem while starting the web apps. It takes so much time (about 2 hours) to start up the services completely and in the Lev1/Web/Logs location the log files are taking so much time to get created, with similar errors:

2021-08-22 08:25:08,940 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 200 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
2021-08-22 08:30:09,110 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 220 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
2021-08-22 08:35:09,278 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 240 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
2021-08-22 08:35:24,278 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] ERROR [unknown] - #############################################################################################
### Attempting to access service for interface '' for 1 hours. #####
### Please ensure that the process providing the service is starting. #######################
### After 2 hours, the service will be considered unavailable. ##############################
2021-08-22 08:40:09,443 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 260 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
2021-08-22 08:45:09,599 [org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#2e9cf871-1] WARN [unknown] - Have received 280 failures while trying to access an auto-discoverable service to satisfy request for ''. Please ensure that the application and/or process surfacing this interface is still in the process of starting.
Obsidian | Level 7
It was working fine always, used to take not more than 5 mins. However, it started taking hours to start the SASServer1_1 after last month's Linux server patching activity. Although, no issues in start of services even after non-prod environment servers' patching

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