1. Does the batch command work when you execute it out of a command prompt?
2. Has the scheduler ever executed it? What does the history tell you? https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722006(v=ws.11).aspx
Are you sure the user used for batch processing got all the required permissions to read and write from/to the chosen locations on your disk?
Also: I would be using sas.bat from your Lev<n> environment and not directly sas.exe under Foundation so that you get your environment created in the same way than what you're using out of a SAS EG session.
I would also go for a rollover log so that consecutive executions of your job don't overwrite the log.
Here a batch command which should work once you've amended the paths for your environment.
C:\SAS\config\Lev1\SASApp\sas.bat -sysin "C:\SAS\config\Lev1\SASApp\SASEnvironment\Code\testjob.sas" -logparm "rollover=session" -log "C:\SAS\config\Lev1\SASApp\SASEnvironmentLogs\testjob_#Y.#m.#d_#H.#M.#s.log" -print "C:\SAS\config\Lev1\SASApp\SASEnvironment\Output\testjob_#Y.#m.#d_#H.#M.#s.lst" -noterminal -batch -icon -nosplash -metauser "<user>" -metapass "<credentials>
Depending on your environement you probably don't need options -metauser and -metapass