i want to know how can we make sure all jobs [via clients applications, like EG or batch jobs] runs on grid by default? I don't want to include below statements to run jobs in grid? OR with 9.4 its there by default? Thanks -
%let rc=%sysfunc( grdsvc_enable(_all_, server=SASApp));
signon grid_sess1; rsubmit;
/* the SAS code to run in the grid session goes here */
endrsubmit; signoff;
You need to update the definition of the workspace inside metadata to be grid launched. Once you're done the object spawner will use your grid to spawn workspaces for end users onto machines per the queue rules.
I don't have any experience with grid computing, but I assume you could add the grdsvc_enable function call to your SASApp autoexec_usermods program. That way it will run automatically when a SASApp session is started, regardless of how it is invoked (batch, EG, SAS Studio etc).
You need to update the definition of the workspace inside metadata to be grid launched. Once you're done the object spawner will use your grid to spawn workspaces for end users onto machines per the queue rules.
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