was trying to use this link to customize a page
SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide, Second Edition
what i would like to do is use some JSP code to identify what WebAppServer and what MetaDataServer I am using
to this end i modifed the D:\SASHome\SASWebInfrastructurePlatform\9.4\Static\wars\sas.svcs.logon\WEB-INF\view\jsp\default\ui\logon_custom.jsp
hoping that the environment variables might reveal something but after a build of the wip service and a deployment on all 3 nodes I still see nothing on the
logon page . i went in prior to the deployment and enable the customization in SASS Manager , I assume this just flags to include the logon_custom.jsp.
any ideas how I can get this to work I still have a login page with no additional information
This JSP file is included as part of the logon.jsp if a site
has enabled the custom logon page message policy. The tags
below are provided as a simple convenience for those sites
that want to simply provide an embedded text message. These
tags can be modified or removed if additional customization
is required.
java.util.Enumeration e = System.getProperties().propertyNames();
while( e.hasMoreElements() ){
String prop = (String)e.nextElement();
out.print(" = ");
out.print( System.getProperty(prop) );
to some extent yes that was the goal . In the interrum I ran across ways to embedd JSP and jquery into the logon_custom.jsp and get information and do some cooll coding. Our experiment with a cluster was a utter failure due to a plan file that did mnot work ...we had to pay the SAS consultant more to actually create one again . Anyway at that point we said ^&^% it and went with stand alone servers.
Hi robm,
Found your question interesting.
What is it you are utlimately trying to achieve i.e. why do you need to identify what app server is being used? Are you trying to determine the level of load balancing across 2 or more instances of the same web app server?
Cheers, Simon
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to some extent yes that was the goal . In the interrum I ran across ways to embedd JSP and jquery into the logon_custom.jsp and get information and do some cooll coding. Our experiment with a cluster was a utter failure due to a plan file that did mnot work ...we had to pay the SAS consultant more to actually create one again . Anyway at that point we said ^&^% it and went with stand alone servers.
Hi robm,
Sounds like you have come to a conclusion but for future reference there are some built in-tools you can use with SAS 9.4:
See: SAS 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide, Third Edition
SAS Web Administration Console:
Load Balancer interface:
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well not to get what metadata server I was using, however
if you have custom logon and custom logout enabled
Application management>SAS Aplication Infrastructure>Properties>Settings
say yes to Display Custome logon message
then in logon_customer.jsp you can write some JSP code to spit out env vars
<% java.util.Enumeration e = System.getProperties().propertyNames(); while( e.hasMoreElements() ){ String prop = (String)e.nextElement(); out.print(prop); out.print(" = "); out.print( System.getProperty(prop) ); out.print("<br>"); }
you can t include stuff like
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
as well you can insert jQUERY to do things like in this case redirect a bad URL someone has cached:
we have users that have links from 9.3ebi on there desktop instead of an error this redirects them to the login page and they can go find their new link
This JSP file is included as part of the logon.jsp if a site
has enabled the custom logon page message policy. The tags
below are provided as a simple convenience for those sites
that want to simply provide an embedded text message. These
tags can be modified or removed if additional customization
is required.
<%-- custom content goes here --%>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var theUrl = $(location).attr('href');
var isFound = theUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf("_sasapp=information+delivery+portal+4.3&");
if (isFound > 0)
var res = theUrl.split('?');
theUrl = res[0];
$('#custom-logon-message').append('<font color=red><h2>' + theUrl + ' </h2></font><br>' )
$('#fm1').attr('action', '/SASLogon/login');
$('#fm1').get(0).setAttribute('action', '/SASPortal');
var actionis = $( '#fm1' ).attr( 'action' );
$('#custom-logon-message').append('<br><font color=red><h2>' + actionis + ' </h2></font><br>' )
theUrl = theUrl.replace('/SASLogon/login','/SASPortal')
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