Hello, we have
one user: user1
user1 created one cube: cube1 from olap cube studio using source cube: cube_ori
both cubes has same location: /usr/cubes at os level with 755 permission.
both cubes has same location from sas folder side: /Shared Data/SASApp - OLAP Schema/cubes
here, user1 can see cube1 and have all functionality enabled when right click on cube from olap cube studio but not have all functionality enabled for cube_ori
Additionally, even after both cube has same physical location at OS level only cube1 is visible and not cube_ori
difference I see from MC (Authorization Manager > Resource Management > By location > SASApp > SASApp - OLAP Schema) is
cube1 has ACEs (grey highlighted permission) granted for RM, WM, R for developers groups
cube_ori, has ACEs only for RM for developers group
how can I make cube_ori visible to user at OS level as well as make all functionality enabled for cube cube_ori
Also, I tried providing WM + R explicitly (white background) access to developers but that is not making any difference,