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Fluorite | Level 6 rg
Fluorite | Level 6



We are on preprod 5 node grid environment and we are experiencing some issues with lsf, just wondering if i can disble grid and run standard application server only on one server ??? 

Barite | Level 11

LSF is a huge part of Grid, so to avoid that wouldn't be easy. Not knowing your config in detail, I would say try and create a SAS application server in Metadata that points to a(n) Object Spawner in you setup. Your clients then connect to this app server and should be running like the old days before Grid i.e. client > Object Spawner > Workspace Server

Azurite | Level 17

@nhvdwalt, exactly what I wanted to propose 🙂


Hello @rg,


Once you make this change, careful with your web applications, they all will be using the previous SASApp/s, so you will need to reconfig them and restart them, if you still want to use the web apps.

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