Hi all,
I'm have SAS 9.4 installed on HP-UX. Today I working without any problem in SAS EG. After I restarted the server services, the following error appear when try to connect with Workspace Server:
SEVERE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
This is the only error that appears on Object Spawner log. If I verify the status, after this message, everything looks fine:
$ sas.servers status
SAS servers status:
SAS Web Infrastructure Data Server is UP
SAS Metadata Server 1 is UP
SAS Object Spawner 1 is UP
SAS DIP Job Runner 1 is UP
SAS Cache Locator Service ins_41416 is UP
SAS Web Server is UP
SAS Environment Manager is UP
I restarted several times the services but the problem persist. Any suggestion?