Dear all,
After SAS installation on zos I am running a validation job SPDO.DB.SAS94.INSTALL.CNTL(STVALID). However I am getting the following SAS error. If anybody knows the solution, please share.
ERROR: The SAS registry key "\PRODUCTS\STAT\LOGISTIC" could not be opened.
ERROR: Attempt to reference a page past end-of-file on SASHELP.REGSTRY.ITEMSTOR.
ERROR: The SAS registry key "\PRODUCTS\STAT\LOGISTIC" could not be opened.
ERROR: Attempt to reference a page past end-of-file on SASHELP.REGSTRY.ITEMSTOR.
ERROR: The SAS registry key "\PRODUCTS\STAT\LOGISTIC" could not be opened.
ERROR: Attempt to reference a page past end-of-file on SASHELP.REGSTRY.ITEMSTOR.
NOTE: PROC LOGISTIC is modeling the probability that remiss=0. One way to change
specify the response variable option EVENT='1'.